Sunday, October 31, 2010

Our Little Cow

Emily was a cow this year for Halloween and I must say she was pretty cute.:)  We went to a little small group Halloween party at Kyle and Claire's apt on Saturday night.  We all had such a great time hanging out w/ everyone!

30 minutes before we were supposed to leave for the party Bert and I still didn't know what we were going to wear.  My lack of creativity comes shinning through around Halloween time.  Bert suggested that I put my hair in pig tails and freckles on my I did...I can't really take credit for anything. 

Emily actually fell asleep in Bert's arms and was out for most of the party.  We really appreciated her letting us hang out for a little longer.  Certainly not a guarantee.  She's going to bed between 7:30 and 8:00 these days and we often have to make early departures because she will fall apart before our very eyes when we keep her out too late...

Group shot.  They weren't overly excited about the photo shoot, but they all humored me.  Thanks guys!:)  

After we got everyone together they got into it and wanted to do a "crazy" picture.  I never know what to do for "crazy" pictures.  Does this also go back to my lack of creativity??

Happy Halloween!:)

Friday, October 29, 2010


So Brett and Katherine came over the other night to play a game of spades.  Can I just say that we are so, so thankful to have them so close??

Confession:  I'm very competitive when it comes to games.  Especially card games.

Bert, Brett, Kate and I have been playing spades together for a long time and we have many great memories of late night card games.  We always plays girls vs. boys when playing spades.  We don't need to talk about the record over the past few years, but lets just say that the boys have gotten lucky one too many times for my liking.  A few nights ago the girls WON!!  We only won by 11 points, but who cares.  A win is a win!!

Here are a few pictures I took before we started playing and before Em had to go to bed.  I wish I had taken this picture from a different angle so that you could see her face b/c she is smiling from ear to ear.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Eppinger Reunion

Last weekend we traveled down to Concord, GA for the annual Eppinger family reunion. (The Eppinger family is Bert's Mom's mom's side of the family...)  We ate lots of great food and we had such a great time hanging out w/ family!  As soon as we got there Emily was picked up by her Great-Great Aunt Mae (94 years old)...she just walked Emily around to visit w/ all the different family.  Bert literally had to convince her to let us take Emily back so that she could eat was so sweet.

Bert's grandmother grew up in Concord, GA and the road we are on in the picture below is actually named after her family....Eppinger Bridge Road.  It's a tradition to walk down to the bridge.  Here is a small part of the whole family. (This is Bert's brother, sister and some first cousins and their kids only... All in all, there were about 50 people there!)

After the reunion we headed over to the Concord Jubilee.  Bert was excited when he found out that it fell on the same weekend that we were going to be in Concord.  He said that I was missing out on a huge part of his childhood not having ever been.  His grandfather used to set up a booth every year and he would always go w/ him and spend the whole weekend there.  We all enjoyed just walking around and looking at the different booths and what they had to offer.  I don't think any of us actually bought anything (besides drinks), but we had a great time!!  Emily was asleep for most of it...

Saturday night Jeff and Linda (Bert's parents) treated all of us to dinner at Ben's.  Dinner was SO good and we really enjoyed just being able to sit down and chat for awhile after a busy day.  Emily got a little fussy right after we got to the restaurant so Jeff took her on a walk around the restaurant and calmed her right down.  Here's a picture I snapped of Emily w/ her grandparents and her cousin Aidan.  

I just love this picture.  I think it is so sweet.  She's very loved by her Pawpaw and Grandmama. :)

The whole group minus Carrie and Quinn.  We really missed both of y'all!!  

We had such a fun weekend!  Can't wait to see everyone again in just a couple weeks!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

6 Months

Our sweet Emily was 6 months old last Friday (10/8).  This morning she had her 6 month check-up and she got a great report.  My mom, dad, Bert and I had a little bet as to what her weight was going to be....

Mimi:  18.7
Papa Stan:  17.12
Bert:  18.2
Steph:  18.3

She weighs 17.1 lbs (73rd percentile) and is 26 3/4 inches (88th percentile).

My Dad won....we don't play by the "Price Is Right" rules....

So we all guessed a little high, but you carry her around in that carrier for any length of time and you'd guess high too!:)

I made her pose for a photo session this morning before her appointment.  (I wanted to do it before they gave her 3 shots...poor baby).  I'm posting several pictures so brace yourself.

She cooperated for one, but it went down hill from there.:)

Emily:  Oh, look at that piece of paper.  I think I'll grab it.  (No surprise ...she is grabbing E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. these days)

Emily:  And I believe I'll eat it...

So I got smart and decided that I would take the paper away so that I could get a few more sweet pictures....

But Emily was not deterred....she just started eating her dress.

In between each of these pictures I pulled her dress down and she would pull it right back up.  I finally gave up.

Happy 1/2 Birthday, Emily Jean Watts!!:)

Monday, October 11, 2010


Siblings are a gift from the Lord and I am so thankful for mine!  Stan came up to Wake Forest last weekend to visit us and we had such a great time w/ him!  He split the time evenly between me and Katherine b/c we like to be fair in our family.:)

Katherine took a personal day on Friday and spent the day w/ us.  Kate and Stan did a little studying and then we took a walk downtown, went to the campus bookstore, and just enjoyed being together.  Here's a picture of us on our walk on campus....

Stan taking a study break to hold Emily.  He loves holding her...

Watching a little football on Saturday night after Katherine and Brett fed us all an amazing meal.  I tried and tried to get Emily to go to sleep in her pack-n-play, but after she had cried for almost 30 minutes I gave up and let her come out there w/ everyone else.  I think she was quite pleased w/ my decision.  Can't you tell?  

I'm already praying Emily is blessed w/ siblings (this is NOT code for "we are pregnant"....I repeat....NOT code for "we are pregnant") and that they will have wonderful relationships like I have w/ mine...

I love y'all so much!!:)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

This Week

Here's an update on what's going on in the Watts household!:)

Emily is now eating solid foods, and she's very proud of herself!  She tries to grab the spoon with every bite.  I want to be annoyed (and I probably will be soon), but for now I have to admit its pretty cute.:)  Right now we're still just feeding her rice cereal, but we're going to introduce a different type of food this week.

 Ready to go....

Bert got kicked out of his office in January in order to make room for Emily's here is his new "office".  I've never heard one complaint.  Insanely busy would not even begin to describe Bert's week...

I decided to snap a few pictures of Emily during our morning tummy time a few days ago.  Notice the beautiful quilt Emily is laying on, made by her Aunt Carrie!:)

I know what you're thinking....

Does Stephanie keep a bow in that child's hair at all times?

The answer is no, but I did put one in for her little photo shoot.  Don't judge.:)

I caught her mid-roll!  Great form....go Em!!:)  She prefers to roll to her right.  She will roll to her left, but only when I put something beside her to block her from going to the right.

We set up Emily's "Jenny Jump Up" tonight for the first time.  It was a big hit!  

She enjoyed turning all around in it...

She also enjoyed chewing on it....

We love you, Emily!!  You are soooo much fun!!