Claire had her two month visit yesterday. She had a good check-up! She weighed 13 lbs 9 oz and was in the 101st percentile for her weight. She was 23.3 inches long and was in the 81st percentile for her length. Here are a few things that I just love about my 2 month old...
-She's smiling a lot these days. She often smiles in response to our voices and it melts our hearts. Emily is really good at making her smile.
-She's also started cooing some.
-She and her Daddy have already started playing games together. He will stick out his tongue and she will copy him and stick her's out too. They just go back and forth. It's impressive (for Claire, not Bert:) )!
-She is paying a lot of attention to her two sisters. She will follow them (and us) with her eyes all the way across the room.
-She loves her (by "her" I mean Jacob's) play mat.
-She has a fussy period from about 8-11pm.
-She's started sucking her hand, and I have a feeling it's only a matter of time before she finds her thumb. I tried and tried to give her a paci, but she didn't want anything to do it.
-She's slept 7 1/2 hours straight in her pack-n-play for the last two nights (that's with me waking her up, so she would have slept a little longer). Go Claire!
One day last week I was holding her in my arms after the big girls had gone to bed and I was so overwhelmed with thankfulness for her I just had to take a picture. I wanted to remember the sweet moments of holding her tiny little, soft, cuddly body...listening to her breathe...looking down and seeing her sweet cheeks and lips. Very thankful!
She's a big fan of her bath these days! C-U-T-I-E!

I'd noticed a few weeks ago that she strongly preferred to turn her head to the right. If she was on her back and I tried to turn her head to her left she would whip it right back over to the right. I had been working with her for a few weeks trying to get her to turn her head the other way, but obviously not enough. The doctor said that she's beginning to get a flat spot on one side of the back of her head, which is causing her ears to be slightly out of alignment (it's so slight that I actually haven't been able to see it). The doctor said we need to get this corrected over the next couple months. To do that she said that if she is awake Claire is not to be on her back at all. That means no bouncy, no play mat, no swing. She is only allowed to be on her back when she's sleeping, in the car seat (obviously) or when we're changing her diaper. Yikes! When she's awake, Claire either has to be held, in the Ergo, on her tummy or in her Bumbo. She isn't old enough/neck muscles aren't strong enough for the Bumbo yet (our other kids started using the bumbo some at about 3 months), I can't leave her alone yet during tummy time (wanting to wait until she's better at turning her head before I leave her).
I've used Baby Wise for all three of our kids and they've all been great sleepers. Claire took the longest to start sleeping 7-8 hours at night and she started doing it at about 8 1/2 weeks old. I keep them on an eat, wake, sleep schedule during the day. This new plan of holding her all the time throws a small kink in my plans because she usually falls right to sleep when I'm holding her or when she's on her tummy. All this schedule talk is not to mention the fact that I have two other small children that I need to make meals for, changes diapers, put them down for naps, I need to be able to set her down in the bouncy for a minute and turn my back to her.
I admit daily life is sometimes a smidge overwhelming to me at the moment, but I realize that before I know it she'll have stronger neck muscles, then she'll be sitting up on her own, then crawling, then walking, then running, then talking and I'll wish I had these days back where I was under doctors orders to not put her down.:) I'm deciding to soak up these sweet cuddles with my precious 2 month old. So so so so thankful for our Claire!
Happy 2 months, sweet girl!!