We went to Mimi and Papa's house one weekend in May just to enjoy some different scenery for a bit. Abby enjoyed her first visit and was a little sweetie pie.
Mimi and the big girls had a tea party with real tea! Mimi even dressed up for the occasion...fun Mimi! The girls looooved it!
I vividly remember my dad saying when Emily was just a newborn that he couldn't wait until she was old enough to take his hand and pull him where she wanted him to go. When he got home from work on the day we were there I watched her do just that for the thousandth time. She wanted him to go up to the rock with her. They were up there talking on the rock for 5 or 10 minutes when I decided I needed a picture of them up there.
After we got back home, we found Hannah and Claire like this one afternoon. Hannah was "reading" to Claire! They may can make a mess in 2 seconds flat but they sure are cute.
One morning it was time to go get Hannah from preschool and Claire had a bucket full of toys she wanted to bring to the car. I told her to pick one and lets go. (I tell her this all the time and she is usually fine.) This time she decided to pitch a full blown temper tantrum. The picture below was actually taken AFTER we got back from picking Hannah up. And she was mad the whole time....who doesn't want to listen to 25-minutes of crying? Ha!

One evening a few weeks ago everyone had been playing outside and I had come in to finish up supper. Emily ran in behind me and ran to the office to work on something. She came out of the office just a few minutes later with this in her hand. The second picture below is the back of the first pic. I could see through the first picture that there were a lot of words on the back and I asked her if her Daddy helped her write....I just assumed he had because she hadn't been in there for long at all, but she proudly told me she had done it all. We were SO proud of her creativity and thinking of doing this all on her own. The next day she took it to school for show and tell.
"This is a leaf collection with a papillon that is French for butterfly. I have 3 leafs that are green and they are pretty. I love them. Love, Emily"
Emily made this for me for Mother's Day this year....it's a keeper!
One afternoon a couple weeks ago we picked Emily up from school and headed to the park. Claire did this slide about 195 times.
If you were to just look at this picture below you would probably assume that Emily and this girl are big buddies. They had actually just met about 5 minutes before. Emily makes friends fast and easily.
There was a path just to the right of where Hannah was walking but she wanted to walk along the rocks. It made Mommy nervous.
Emily's class took a field trip to the Greenville Zoo and Bert got to go with her. They had fun and Em loved having her Daddy with her.
They came across a snake on the path while walking around the zoo. He sent me this picture and I texted back and told him to "get my baby away from that snake!!!!"
Hannah had a 4 year well check a few weeks ago and she cried through the entire thing. She was scared to death of the shots she was supposed to get. It was stressful, but she survived and immediately stopped crying after she had the shots. We should have done those first...lesson learned. We love our pediatrician!!
Claire doesn't take a nap everyday, but when she does I usually have to wake her up to go get Emily from school (because she takes awhile to fall asleep). On this particular day I had to go get my camera...she just looked like a little angel with her hands underneath her face. She sleeps like this often.
We were excited to be able to make it back to Toccoa for a birthday dinner for Stanley one Saturday night. Bert had a car wash fundraiser for our youth that day and got home about 2:30. We got ready and were heading out by about 3. We had a fun dinner and the girls got some great play time with their cousins and then we got back on the road about 8:15 that night to head back to Greenville (after the 7:30 feeding). It was a long day for Bert but we were so thankful to be able to all be together as a family. It had been since Christmas when we were all together. That night was the first time that Brett and Jacob were able to meet our little Abby.
We're thankful for Stanley...he's the best brother in the history of brothers. We love you, Stan Wayne!
Papa got Abby duty while we all played in the back yard, which he loved!
We were letting the girls ride bikes one afternoon and before we all headed in for dinner Bert went to the back to water his garden. After he finished he decided to surprise the girls by spraying them down too. They had so much fun and were all three dripping from head to toe.
Abby was curled up on my chest and we just enjoyed the view.
We're loving these beautiful spring days!