When I'm burping Hannah while Emily is in the room, she runs over to help. She'll say "I burp-in." She pulls my hand away and then starts patting Hannah's back. She's hardly touching her though. Every time I try to start patting again, she'll pull my hand away again. Makes for a long process.:)
A few mornings ago when I was getting her dressed she kept saying "Me do it!" She can't quite get dressed by herself, but she certainly wants to.
She's started saying "I go potty." She'll run towards the bathroom. She'll usually get distracted, but she's definitely showing some interest. Too bad this Mama isn't about to take on potty training right now. She'll have to wait until Hannah Banana's a little older.:)
Another one of her favorite phrases is "I meeeaaannn dat!" She usually says this when she's telling me she's finished with lunch or dinner. She'll say "All done, I meeeaaannn dat!" Haha.:)
Yesterday she was wanting me to get her a book and she said "I neeeeed it." Can you tell she likes dragging out words?
She loves the regular camera. She'll say "SMILE" anytime I pull it out. She is not a fan of the video camera. I can't tell you how many times we've pulled it out and tried to get her on video dancing or talking....every time she stops what she's doing and we get nothing. Maybe one of these days she'll decide she likes it too.
She's started "reading" books to us. It's unbelievable how many parts of books she has memorized. I didn't realize how much she was paying attention until she started "reading" to me. It's so fun to hear her!
Be careful what you say. As I said before, she's soaking everything up. Last week I heard her say "good gosh." Ooops. It's not that I think gosh is a bad word, but I don't want my 23 month old saying it.
She LOVES pictures ("pi-chures")!!! When Mimi was here she let Emily look at pi-chures on her iPad. Emily now wants to look at pi-chures on our computer all.the.time. She'll say "I see pi-chures, mommy, I see pi-chures."
She's really good about saying thank you ("kank you"). Most of the time we don't even have to prompt her. She's not as good about saying please ("pwease"). She'll say it when we ask her "what do you say, Emily", but she usually needs a little reminder.
She still loves to dance. She'll dance to anything and everything. Yesterday we were up on campus at the seminary letting her get some energy out and the bells in the chapel started playing the chiming of the hour. She stopped picking up leaves (she also still loves leaves) and started dancing to the chiming.
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