Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tummy Time

I decided to take a few pictures the other day while Hannah was having tummy time, and so of course I had to put up a quick post about it too!:) 

Bert picked her up for a second and then laid her back down.  When he laid her back down he propped her  up on her arms.  She decided she'd just roll right on over. Since I already had my camera out I was able to catch her mid-roll!!  

Hannah, Daddy says this roll doesn't count as your first because he had propped your arms underneath couldn't help but roll over.  I guess we won't officially count this as your first time rolling over, but know we were proud proud proud of you!:)  

Emily wanted in on the fun. Hannah's wanting to know why Emily's making this tummy time stuff look so easy!  

Okay, Hannah officially threw in the towel. She was d-o-n-e!:) 

Great job, Hannah!  You're going to catch up with your sister in tummy-time-skills in no time!:)  

1 comment:

  1. I'm counting it! so funny that Emily wanted to get in on tummy time since we ALL know how much she LOVED tummy time - NOT! Maybe tummy time will be easier on Hannah with Emily by her side!
