Hannah had her 2 year check-up today. She had a great check-up! She weighed 28 lbs and 3 oz and she's in the 68th percentile for her weight. She is 34.5 inches long and is in the 65th percentile for her height. At the 2 year check-up they sometimes make height predictions and the doctor said Hannah's on track to be 5'8"+. Here are a few fun facts that I just love about our Hannah these days...
-She calls her sisters Emmy and Care.
-She knows all her animal sounds.
-Isn't a big fan of milk. Will drink some, but has to be encouraged.
-She's really good a feeding herself.
-She often uses her left hand (I would still say she uses her right hand more often) while feeding herself, but she's really very good using both hands.
-She loves to read books (herself and be read to)
-Hannah's a good little kicker. Daddy thinks she's going to be a soccer player!:)
-She sleeps with her blanket (made by Uncle Stan), monkey (given by Aunt Carrie), doggie (given by Nea Nea) and her beloved bunny.
-She sleeps about 11 1/2 hours at night and takes a nap every afternoon from about 2 to 3:30 or so.
-She loves to sing her ABC's, Jesus Loves Me, Twinkle Twinkle, and Barney's I love you, you love me song. We often hear her singing one of these songs in her crib when she's having trouble falling asleep.
-She's scared of bubble bath in the bathtub, but loves blowing bubbles outside.
-She loves to swing and ride in her wagon.
-Hannah loves boots and high heels. She really just likes shoes in general, but these are her favorites. She will almost always be found with a pair of shoes on. Emily's shoes are her favorite because she can slide them on by herself without any help.
-She's cuddly and independent. She'll want to be held one minute and the next she's want to do it (whatever "it" is) herself.
-She loves to play dress up and for me to put her hair up in a pony tail "like Emmy's."
-She recently colored us a picture on the playroom wall. Don't worry (much like I would have done for my sister who was 19 months younger than me), Emily reported the incident.:)
-Some of her favorite phrases these days are "I do it!!", "I did it!!" and "Where Daddy is?!"
-She's a Daddy's girl. I'm talking L.O.V.E.S. her Daddy. In the last month or so we've noticed that Hannah has gone from loving to spend time with her Daddy to if-Daddy-is-in-the-house-nobody-else-will-do!!! She wants him to hold her when she wakes up from her nap, get her down from her chair after finishing meals, hold her if she falls. She often says "My Daddy!!" when he's holding her as if Em is going to take him away.:) We've decided that her insistence on Bert probably has something to do with her adjusting to Claire being here. I'm holding Claire a lot between feeding her and just soothing her. Anyway, who can blame her? I love her Daddy too!!:)
-She's started taking a real interest in cooking. She's always pushing a chair over to he counter and saying "Hannah help."
-She's quick to say bless you, thank you and please without being prompted.
-When she's mad about something she will put a strong emphasis on each word with a pause between each word. She still does it in her little toddler voice and I can't help but smile.
-Hannah's really starting to play (and argue) with Emily. I love seeing them play together.
-She loves pickles, goldfish, cookies, broccoli, ham and cheese sandwich's, any kind of fruit, etc.
-Hannah especially needs a certain amount of holding time when she first wakes up in the morning or after her nap. A few mornings ago I got Hannah out of her crib and handed her her milk and then immediately needed to start feeding Claire. This plan wasn't okay with Hannah. She proceeded to fall on the floor and cry/scream/wail for the entire feeding. After I finished I put Claire on her playmat and picked up Hannah for some cuddle/rocking time. She immediately calmed down and snuggled up to me. After we had rocked for a few minutes we had this conversation.
Me: Are you happy now? (not sarcastic, just a question)
H: Smiled and said "Yeah"
Me: Why are you happy?
H: Ba-cause
Me: Because why?
H: I hugging
Sweet girl. I'll hug you forever.
-It takes her a little while to warm up to new situations and people. I've heard many people say that "she's a serious little thing". If you saw her at home you wouldn't think that, but in public she often comes across like that.
-She's a thinker. You can almost just see her little mind at work and I just can't wait until she can articulate even better exactly what she's thinking.
-Her nicknames are Hannah Beth, Hannah Banana, Hannah Bo-Banna...we probably call her Hannah Beth most often.
-Loves to color and dance.
-Hannah hadn't asked to hold Claire since a couple days after we were home from the hospital (about 4 weeks). Then one day she ran across the living room to me (I was holding C in my lap) and said ....
H: I hold that! (and wrapped her arms around Claire)
Me: You want to hold Claire?
H: Yeah.
Me: Well, go sit down and I'll bring her to you.
I put Claire in her arms and she immediately started singing "Jesus Loves Me" to her and then gave her a kiss on the top of her head. She really is such a sweet big sister!
Happy Birthday sweet Hannah Beth! You are a blessing to everyone that meets you. You're sweet, fun, feisty and kind, and you have no problem standing up for yourself if your big sister starts getting a little too bossy. You're growing and learning new things each day, and it is so much fun to watch. One of my favorite things right now is hearing you speaking in complete sentences...it's amazing...it seems just yesterday you were my baby! You are beautiful inside and out and I am so so so thankful to be your Mommy!
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