Sunday, February 15, 2015

Ressie Grace

Our niece, Ressie Grace Sanders, is here and we are soooo thankful and excited!!  She made her grand entrance on January 12th, a little after 3am weighing in at 6 pounds.  She was just over 5 weeks early.  Later that day on the 12th they decided to transfer Ressie to Northeast Georgia Medical Center's NICU due to some breathing issues because she was so early.  Katherine had to stay at the hospital in Toccoa for a couple more days due to her c-section.  Can't imagine how hard that was for her to be separated from Brett and Ressie in those first few days.  

I got to go to the hospital the day Ressie was born and the day after.  I even got to spend the  night in the hospital with Katherine one night, but I didn't get to meet my sweet niece until she was almost 3 1/2 weeks old.  About 5 days after Ressie was born Emily and I came down with a terrible case of bronchitis so we didn't want to go anywhere near Ressie, Katherine, Jacob, Brett, Mama, or Dadddy.  Ugh.  Unfortunately we had to stay put in Greenville for a couple weeks.  

Last Friday (Feb 6th) I got to spend the day with Katherine and Ressie in the NICU.  I can't tell you how thankful I was to get to see and hold this sweet girl.   

I snapped this picture of Ressie just before Katherine changed her diaper.  Cutie!  

So proud of my sister!  She is the BEST Mama to this sweet girl.  Katherine has spent her days at the hospital with Ressie and then would go home to tuck Jacob into bed, sleep and start over in the morning.  It's been a long few weeks of traveling back and forth, but Katherine and Brett wouldn't have it any other way.  

On Friday morning, while I was sitting there with Katherine, the doctor walked in and told her that Ressie would be going home in the morning.  She couldn't believe it, but was soooo excited!!  

Jacob wasn't allowed in the NICU (no one under the age of 15), so last Saturday morning  (Feb 7th) when they were walking her out of the hospital was the first time he got to see her close up!  He was SO excited!  He is already such a great big brother!  

I have prayed for and cried over this girl over the last several weeks.  She is such a blessing to our family!  We are so thankful she is home and doing so well!!  Emily and Hannah ask for a "Ressie Update" several times a day. :)

We love you, Ressie Grace!  

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