One of my ALL TIME favorite things to do is to take walks around our neighborhood in the evening as a family. We've probably taken about a million since we moved into our house almost 3 years ago. We have a certain route and it takes us a little over 30 minutes. Some weeks we take three or so walks a week and some weeks we're doing good to get in one. We usually take our walks after dinner and then come back and start getting the kids ready for bed. It is such a relaxing time for me to just enjoy being outside and getting to chat with Bert while the kids are all strapped in and enjoying the walk as well. Our neighborhood has a couple of really big hills in it, but for the most part it is an awesome place to take walks. We have a pretty big neighborhood (a little over a hundred houses) and on most walks we see several of our neighbors out and about. We love catching up with the ones that we are closer to and just saying hey to new neighbors. Everyone likes our red wagon and many people have made comments over the years about wishing that they were being pulled around in one.:)

We started letting Claire ride in the wagon a few months ago and it is now her favorite place to ride. And by "her favorite place to ride" I mean that she pitches a fit if she doesn't get to ride in it. Thankfully her big sisters think it's a treat to get to ride in the stroller (since they almost never do anymore) so they take turns getting to ride in it.
I know that as the kids get bigger our nights will get even busier (activities, homework, church), so that's why I'm cherishing these sweet walks with my family, and we take them every chance we get.
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