Friday, October 23, 2015

20 Weeks

I finished my 20th week last Saturday! (I'll be 21 weeks tomorrow.) Woohoo!  Over halfway there...less than 20 to go!  The halfway point sounds exciting and I know it will fly by, but March 5th sounds like a looooong way away to me right now.

I had my 20 week check up on Monday morning and Abigail got a great report!  Everything on her ultrasound looked great!  She had a strong heartbeat of 149 bpm.  She was kicking and moving all around during the entire ultrasound.  She had her hand up to her mouth at one point and it looked like she was sucking her thumb.  If she wasn't sucking her thumb, she was trying to find it.  It will be interesting to see if she follows in her sister Hannah's footsteps and is determined to suck her thumb despite my best efforts to get her to take a paci.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek while I was watching her move around on the monitor.  The ultrasound tech was checking her anatomy and I was just in awe of the little person inside of me.  We got to see her brain, 4 chambers of her heart, her spine, kidneys, stomach and so much more.  She is beautiful and perfectly made by her Creator.  I'm thankful to get to carry her for these 9 months.

Abigail was measuring a week bigger than she should have according to my due date of March 5th.  The ultrasound tech told me it was no big deal and that they wouldn't change my due date or do anything about it.  I did talk to my OB about it just to make sure and he said they definitely wouldn't change my due date and that there was "no obstetrician in the county that would be worried about her measuring a week bigger at this point."  Ha!  Well alrighty then.

I've regretfully started sleeping on my side at night as they say that by 20 weeks it's important to do that.  It's not my favorite thing, as it is so much easier for me to fall asleep on my back, but I'll do anything for my baby girl. I'm having some heartburn and just general pregnancy aches (especially if I've been walking a lot in a particular day), but overall I'm feeling great!!  Really enjoying this second trimester!

I've had a few cravings.  I'm not sure if you want to call them cravings because I haven't sent Bert out at 10pm to purchase these things, so maybe we'll just call them deep loves.  I LOVE chips and salsa, guacamole, popcorn and homemade pimiento cheese.  These things definitely make this pregnant lady happy.

I've started feeling her kick some.  When I do feel her, it is so so light that I have to be completely still to actually feel it. They told me at my 16 week ultrasound (and again at my 20) that my placenta was actually anterior (on top....or between my stomach and the baby) this time and that Abigail would have to kick harder in order for me to feel it (through my placenta).  My placenta was also in this position when I was pregnant with Emily and I was about 25 weeks along before I really started feeling her.  Claire and Hannah's placentas were both posterior and by this point in my pregnancies with both of them I was feeling hard, strong kicks from both of them.  I looooove getting to feel her kick, but I'll be patient while I wait on her to get a little bigger and stronger so that I can feel those good strong kicks.  Right now I'll enjoy the sweet little flutter kicks that I do get to feel while I am perfectly still and paying attention.

We love you sweet Abby!!  Your sisters tell you "good night", "hey" and "bye" many times a day, while putting their mouths right to my belly.  They're so excited about meeting you.  If you ask Hannah when the baby is coming she'll say "First fall, then winter, then the Abigail comes!!"  Hannah is also quick to "correct" us when we call the baby Abby.  She'll say "Her name is Abigail." :)

Abigail, we are so thankful to God for your great checkup and for allowing us to be your parents! You are a precious gift!

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