Sunday, December 31, 2017

Christmas Morning

The girls were up bright and early, ready to see what Santa brought them!  We had them wait in the hall while we got the cameras ready.  We had to wake Abby up and she wasn't in the picture taking mood yet.  

I love these next two pictures of Emily and Hannah when they first saw their big Santa item!  

A new Power Wheels Jeep!!  Emily was reading a note from Santa that said they had to charge it up first.  

Abby refused to get out.  She didn't care about the other gifts or seeing what was in her stocking.  We finally brought the stocking to her, but she was glued to the seat.  Ha!  

Our sweet almost 4 year old!  

After checking out what Santa brought it was time to open their gifts from Bert and me.  

One thing we gave to Emily and Hannah was a Shutterfly book for each of them with photos and stories from their first 5 years.  It took hours and hours to make, but they loved it and have looked at it many times since.  

Claire got a bean bag which has been a big hit, but her favorite gift was a $10 Melissa and Doug flashlight that I picked up at the last minute.  Go figure! 

Hannah got an American Girl doll that she has been wanting.  I was so excited about giving it to her.  Her official name from AG is "Kit" but Hannah renamed her "Maddie Grace Watts."  She has freckles across her nose like our Hannah Beth and it is so sweet to see Hannah playing with Maddie!  

Abby got some twin baby dolls, which aren't much smaller than her.  

Emily got roller skates, new books, and lots of other things, but I think one of her favorite gifts was a big pack of glitter gel pens....she was SO excited about them! 

We had a wonderful Christmas morning and enjoyed having Mimi and Papa there with us!!  They left to head to Toccoa shortly after we finished opening and had some breakfast casserole, and we headed that way as soon as we got cleaned up and finished packing.   

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