Wednesday, February 28, 2018

These Days

Paris Elementary hosted a Family Fun Fitness Night in mid-February. They only do this event every other year and our girls loved it!  They had different stations set up in different classrooms around the school.  

They especially loved getting taught by some Furman Cheerleaders.  Hannah has told me many times since that night that she wants to "take cheerleading."  

I loved this action shot that Bert got of Hannah jumping rope.  

Emily, Hannah and Claire all had dentist appointments and did wonderful!  A great report for all of them. 

We had a family movie night and all watched Paddington together.  It was a cute movie that even kept Abby's attention.  

Hannah got to dress up like a dalmation on the 101st day of school.  Cutie!

Abby is extremely picky about what she wears these days.  She has two outfits that she likes and everything else she pitches a fit about. On this particular day those two outfits weren't clean. I often will just put something on her and let her fuss as we run out the door, but on this day we didn't have anywhere to be so I let her decide.  I gave her about 10 options and she refused every one of them.  She finally agreed to this dress and so I put it on her.  Right after I put it on her she started pitching an all out fit.  It lasted for about 15 minutes and I just ignored her as she screamed.  She finally calmed down and I snapped this picture of the cute little stinker as she was realizing that she was going to wear this dress today.  She didn't want a picture becuase she was still irritated with me so she turned her head.  I'll call it right now....this girl has spunk.  

Abby loves the girls' dress-up high heels and walks around in them all the time!  

Many days during the last half of this month have been warmer so Hannah has gotten to have fun with her new bike!  

Bert also took Hannah on a daddy-daughter date to close out her birthday week.  They got slushies and then walked around downtown Greenville.  

Bert and the girls spent the night in the living room when I was gone on my Clemson girls weekend.  The girls slept in sleeping bags and Bert slept on the couch and they got to watch a movie as they were falling asleep.  They loved it!  

On Saturday of my Clemson girls weekend Stanley and Alisha had their engagement party in Winder, GA.  Bert and the girls came by the lake house to pick me up around 11am and we drove to the party together.  I was only gone for about 6 hours and I was glad I was able to be at Stanley's engagement party! 

After we ate lunch at the party Abby got down to play.  There were 2 steps down into another part of the room.  Abby fell backwards from the 1st step onto the concrete floor.  I watched her fall and it really didn't look like that bad of a fall to me.  I ran to pick her up and when I did she was screaming.  She ended up holding her breath as she was crying and within seconds she passed out limp in my arms.  It took her about 10 seconds (Bert says less than that) to come to and it was so scary.  In the middle of the craziness I didn't remember that she had been holding her breath while she was crying and we were worried she had passed out because of the fall.  It definitely caused a big scene and made the second half of the party a little stressful. She cried for about 20 minutes after she woke up from being passed out and then she fell asleep in my arms.  I was so happy to be holding her as she slept after she had scared us all half to death, you couldn't have pried her from my arms if you wanted to.  Next time she's holding her breath as she's crying I'm going to blow on her face to make her breathe so hopefully she won't be able to pull that stunt again.  

The girls has a play date with Penny and Samantha on President's Day since they were out of school.  They had fun dressing up!  Emily and Samantha are plotting how to buy Samantha a horse and it is THE cutest to hear about their plans to raise the money, build a barn, etc.  

Emily's friend Samantha had her birthday party at a horse ranch.  Samantha started taking horseback riding lessons about 6 months ago.  Emily was SO excited about getting to ride a horse for the first time.  No fear here.... 

Hannah was supposed to go too and play with Penny duirng the party but Hannah came down with the flu and didn't get to go.  I asked my friend Stephanie if she still wanted Emily to come to the party even though she had been exposed to the flu and she said they definitely did.  Em was soooo excited she still go to go.  

A few of the girls at the party.

Abby has learned how to ride this scooter and she is getting really good at it. She scoots all over our driveway and sidewalk on this thing.  

Sometimes we go to church early on Wednesday nights so that we can all ride together. Hannah was leading the "choir" on this night and Emily was up there singing her little heart out.  They love playing in the choir loft.  :) 

A few minutes later Mrs. Judy came in so that she could get ready to play that night and she ended up teaching Emily chopsticks.  Emily has been playing it ever since and she's so proud that she can do it.  Emily wants to take piano soooo bad. The plan is to let her start taking in the fall.  Mrs. Judy was so sweet to spend 20 minutes or so playing with made her night! 

4-year-old's need a nap every once in awhile.  I especially loved that she fell asleep with her new glasses on.  

We had snack time outside on the patio one afternoon and enjoyed every minute of it! 

I loved this sweet picture of Abby jumping with Hannah!  Happy girls! 

Their school did a Book Character Day where they were supposed to dress up like their favorite book character.  

Emily was Nancy Drew.  She LOVES reading Nancy Drew books and was super cute with her little flashlight and note pad.  

Hannah was Billie B. Brown, which is a charachter from some books she got for Christmas.  

Both of their classes got to walk around the school in a parade, which they thought was so much fun! 

My friend, Stephanie, took these pictures for me.  

Claire spent hours working in the yard with Bert one Friday afternoon while her sisters were at school.  She was a big helper! 

February started out great, the middle was great, but the end was a little hard. Hannah got the flu, then Emily, then Bert and it's been stressful to take care of them while trying to keep the others well and taken care of.  As I write this (last day of February) Bert and Emily are in the bed and Hannah just went back to school today.  We're praying that no one else will get it and that by this weekend we'll be good to go. I'm so looking forward to the time change in March.  I love more day light and I love warmer weather and I love no flu germs.  February's been good, but bring on March!  

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