Friday, August 31, 2018

Airplane Park and an Injured Tooth

The girls and I were trying to live it up on our last few days of summer, so one Wednesday we had a playdate scheduled and the other family had to cancel (because of sickness) at the last minute.  I decided we'd go back to Airplane park and play there for the morning.  We had such a fun time!  They all four rode their bikes/scooter for a loooong time and then started playing on the play ground.  Not long before we were going to leave I took this picture of them.  

Literally right after I took it Emily wanted to show me something so I was turned around watching her and Abby was only feet away from me and on a flat part not going very fast, but apparently still managed to take a bad fall off her scooter.  I ran to her and there was blood everywhere. I ran to clean her up in the bathroom and realized she had cut her lip pretty bad, but I wasn't worried about it at all.  We've busted plenty of lips around here.  

We left the park because my Abby was still hurting and crying a little.  After we got home we ate lunch and I laid Abby down for a nap, but after she woke up I noticed (for the first time) to teeth looked different.  One of her front teeth was longer than the other and three of her teeth were SERIOUSLY loose!!  Ugh!  I called the dentist and took their next available appointment, which was the next morning.  

At that appointment we found out that when she fell she severed the roots between that front tooth and her gum AND she broke the bone.  The dentist felt sure that the bone would heal, but she wasn't sure that the roots would.  She said we just have to wait and see.  

Soooo....that's what we've been doing!  We go back in a week for another X-ray and check up.  We're praying that that tooth will reattach and she won't loose it!!  We've tried to be extra careful these last 2-1/2 weeks to make sure she's not doing anything too wild that might get her mouth hurt again.  We went to a birthday party with a bounce house and mean old mom wouldn't let her jump because the dentist said "no jumping!!"  I've had to cut up everything she eats (even bananas) into tiny bites so that she doesn't bite into anything.  I'm thankful her gums haven't gotten infected and the tooth never really turned gray, so surely those are good signs.  We'll see!! 

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