Friday, November 30, 2018

These Days

Abby fell asleep in the car one afternoon and when I carried her up from the garage she just laid down on the kitchen floor.  I love sleeping pictures of my sweet girls!  

Claire at school!  She did a great job with those I's.  They work on a letter every week and I think they've finished through J.  

Abby and her buddy Evie have fun going to school on Wednesday's while Marjorie and I have a Mom's meeting at Taylors First.  They think they are such big girls! 

Our neighbor, Mrs. Margaret, has a dog named Beasley and the girls looooove playing with her.  Beasley has an invisible fence and the girls do a great job making sure they don't carry her over the line.  

We were in Target one day and Claire asked me to take their picture, so of course I said yes! 

Ressie, Jacob and Katherine came over to spend the day with us one day when they were out of school.  I loved getting to show Kate my house (she hadn't been to our new house yet) and spending the afternoon/evening catching up with her!  ...  Silly picture! So fun!  

Emily and Hannah entered a contest at school called Reflections.  The theme was "Heroes All Around Us."  Hannah drew a picture of my Uncle Bud, who served for many many years in the US Army and retired as a two-star general.  

Emily wrote a short story about a girl in the foster care system finding a forever family. Both of them worked hard and did a great job!  We won't find out if they placed as prize winners until February or March.  

Thankful for these days! 

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