Thursday, January 31, 2019

These Days

One day in early January, Hannah had her friend Penny over and Emily went over to Samantha's (Penny's sister) house.  The girls thought it was fun to do a trade!:)  

I'm not even sure what they were doing but I thought they looked cute! 

Building a tall tower!  

Em was proud of her super tall tower!  

A high five after a game of Connect 4! The girls LOVE it when we play games with them! 

Emily got to stay up through half time of the National Championship game.  This was her reaction when I told her Clemson had won!  She was soooo excited!  Bert says she's a bigger Clemson fan than me and he's probably right....she LOVES her Tigers!:)  

This was the picture from 2  years ago when she found out Clemson had won that National Championship!  We thought the similarities were so funny!  Hannah and Claire are on the same side of her, eating their yogurt, both looking at her like she's crazy for screaming.  Love our girls!  

We had a Paris Pajama skate night and had fun!  Emily was so sweet to skate with Claire a lot of the time.  She's getting to be a really good skater!  

Abby and Daddy were partners for most of the night, although she was happy to skate by herself! 

Hannah got these skates for Christmas and did a great job!  She mostly preferred skating on the side, but I definitely saw improvement!  

Emily with 3 friends in her class - Bryce, Layla, and Logan. 

Claire got to go to a painting birthday party for her friend Charlotte!  She was proud of her birdhouse! 

I pulled Hannah's first tooth, which just so happened to be the first tooth I've ever pulled!  She had a baby tooth coming in behind it and we were determined to get it out of there without having to go to the dentist.  I had to pull it forward some to get it out of there, so now she says she doesn't want me to pull any more teeth....she said she likes how Daddy does it better.  Ha! 

Claire is doing such a great job learning to ride her bike with her training wheels.  She's super cautions, but she's gaining speed and can get going again by herself without our help (well, usually anyway).  

Abby has decided she wants to learn to drive the Jeep and she's a bit dangerous at the moment.  She likes to yank the steering wheel back and forth and has a need for speed.  We have to stay right beside her and it's a tiring job to chase her around in the car, but she's got to learn....she'll be good in no time!

When we ask Abby to do something like "Abby, go put your coat on" she responds with "But I don't how know put my coat on!!!!"  She says "I don't how know ___" often and usually in a frustrated tone of voice and it makes me smile every time.   

Hannah's teacher sent me this picture of Hannah and her good friend Violet dressing alike one day. Violet is Hannah's best friend in her class this year and most everyday Hannah comes home talking about something she did with Violet that day.  Sweet girls! 

Hudson, Hannah and Emily getting ready for crazy hat night at MC Kids! Emily enjoyed making the hats for her and her sister.

Bert and the girls have started playing soccer some in our cul-de-sac.  I liked this action shot of them!  Have I mentioned that I love our cul-de-sac?!  It's probably my favorite thing about where we live! 

I caught the girls playing Trouble together one morning.  

One Monday in January Emily's piano teacher had to cancel her lesson so I decided to take the girls to the church playground for some fresh air!  They had fun playing and I walked laps around the playground.  Win for everyone! 

We try to take a family walk on the golf course a couple times a week (if the weather cooperates).  I would take one every night if we could, but I take what I can get.  Emily and Hannah usually ride their bikes and Bert pulls Abby and Claire in the wagon.  They were stopping to look at an owl in the picture below so I caught a picture of my people doing one of my favorite things!  

These days are busy and fun and tiring and I'm thankful for them!  

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