Happy 4 month birthday to our sweet Emily!! She has brought so much joy to our lives over these last few months! It's been so much fun to watch her grow and learn new things. She is rolling over now from her stomach to her back. She's trying to roll from her back to her stomach, but she gets about half way and gets stuck. She's alert and is very interested in what is going on around her. It's sometimes difficult to get her to take her bottle when we are in a public place or when the TV is on b/c she just keeps turning her head to try to see what is going on. She's still not a big fan of tummy time, but she will stay there a few minutes longer than she used to, before starting to scream. She did let me snap this picture, but now that she's learned to roll over I'm not sure we're going to be able to keep her on her tummy!:)

I'll leave you w/ one picture from our trip to Panama City two weeks ago. We had sooo much fun and have lots of pictures to show for it. Look for more to come about that in the next few days!
We love you, Emily! We love being your parents and we are forever thankful to our Father for blessing us w/ you in our lives!
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