Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Hard Weekend

Emily's had a hard couple of days.  She's been running a high fever for 4 days.  We're praying it breaks tonight.  It is absolutely heartbreaking to see her not feeling well.  

She usually loves her bath, but she's had a few too many lukewarm baths to try to get her temp down...

Last night, after 3 days of high fevers, her temp dropped to 95.4.  We called the doctor on call and she suggested that we watch it for the next hour and if it didn't go back up to take her to the ER.  We ended up taking her to the ER last night at 2:30.  They checked her out and sent us home.  

This afternoon her temp headed back up, but tonight we were happy to see that Emily felt good enough to help with the laundry by pulling it all on the floor.  We probably would have stopped her if she hadn't been sick for several days, but instead we just smiled at her and took her picture.:)  

Friday, February 18, 2011

My little cook

The other night Bert was really needing to get some school work done and I was trying to finish up the dishes, so I decided to bring Emily in the kitchen with me.  I gave her a bowl and a spatula and she could not have been more content!  She just sat at my feet banging the spatula around in the bowl, chewing on the spatula, banging the bowl on the floor, and then doing it all over again.:)  She's typically not staying in one place longer than about 0.25 seconds, so this was very exciting!!

Who knows....maybe I have a little cook on my hands.:)  

Thursday, February 17, 2011

We have a signer...

We've been signing certain words to Emily for months now.  We could tell that she understood what we were saying b/c she would get really excited when we signed them.  Ex.  I would sign milk (without speaking it) and she would start rocking back and forth and waving her hands in the air.  Yesterday she started signing back to me!!  I signed milk and she signed it right back.  It was amazing and so much fun!!  She signed it several times and then later in the afternoon, while eating cheerios, she signed "more".  She doesn't have perfect form, but she definitely knows what she's signing.  I've heard from other mom's that once their kid picked up one sign, they picked up lots of other signs quickly! 

I would just like to put in a plug for the video "Baby Signing Time."  We are huge fans in our house.  Emily absolutely loves it and while she's watching it she's learning how to communicate with us before she can we love it! 

I can't wait to see what signs she'll pick up on next!!:) 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Portrait Innovations

This afternoon Bert and I took Emily to get her 10 month pictures taken....the plan was to take her at 9 months. Only a month late, that's not too bad!  We took her to Portrait Innovations in Cary, NC. We've had a great experience there the last three times we've taken her.  There is no sitting fee and you can have as many outfit changes as you want.  Their "special" (which they always have ) is $9.95 for one 10X13, two 8X10's, four 5x7's, four 3x5's, and 32 wallets of your favorite pose.  It's a fabulous deal for people like us on a tight budget.  They take tons of pictures and I will admit that it does take serious determination to not buy more than one pose (which is what they want you to do).  We were able to get away with only spending a little over $10 for so many sweet picutres (same pose) that our families are going to be so excited to get.  For some reason, picture day always makes me a little nervous.  I try to keep her on the best schedule possible so that she'll be happy during picture time, but even with a sweet little baby like Emily you never know what you're going to get!  Emily humored me today...she gave us lots of sweet smiles!:)  

I realize that this is a post about pictures with no pictures.  I would have one for you, but I was reprimanded there for trying to use my camera...while we were still in the waiting area!  We have more wallets than we know what to do with, so if you want one just let me know!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Walk in the Park

Bert and I love taking walks together....we love catching up and holding hands!  We used to walk almost every night, but a newborn and then the cold weather has kind of put that on hold.  On Sunday it was 70 degrees so we happily headed outside.  We went to Joyner Park, a beautiful park a couple of miles from our apartment.

I do believe Emily's going to love walks like her Mama and Daddy.  She was taking it all in on Sunday.  She had pretty serious expression the whole time, but I think it was because there were kids playing, dogs barking and people everywhere.  She had a lot to keep up with.:)  You can click on the pictures below to make them bigger.


We're so thankful for Sunday afternoon's like this.