Thursday, February 17, 2011

We have a signer...

We've been signing certain words to Emily for months now.  We could tell that she understood what we were saying b/c she would get really excited when we signed them.  Ex.  I would sign milk (without speaking it) and she would start rocking back and forth and waving her hands in the air.  Yesterday she started signing back to me!!  I signed milk and she signed it right back.  It was amazing and so much fun!!  She signed it several times and then later in the afternoon, while eating cheerios, she signed "more".  She doesn't have perfect form, but she definitely knows what she's signing.  I've heard from other mom's that once their kid picked up one sign, they picked up lots of other signs quickly! 

I would just like to put in a plug for the video "Baby Signing Time."  We are huge fans in our house.  Emily absolutely loves it and while she's watching it she's learning how to communicate with us before she can we love it! 

I can't wait to see what signs she'll pick up on next!!:) 


  1. That is very exciting Steph! And it so good to know what they want sometimes b/c they sure can't say it this soon.

  2. SO fun, I was excited see when it started paying off with NOah, we will have to practice with her. Miss seeing you guys
