Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Hard Weekend

Emily's had a hard couple of days.  She's been running a high fever for 4 days.  We're praying it breaks tonight.  It is absolutely heartbreaking to see her not feeling well.  

She usually loves her bath, but she's had a few too many lukewarm baths to try to get her temp down...

Last night, after 3 days of high fevers, her temp dropped to 95.4.  We called the doctor on call and she suggested that we watch it for the next hour and if it didn't go back up to take her to the ER.  We ended up taking her to the ER last night at 2:30.  They checked her out and sent us home.  

This afternoon her temp headed back up, but tonight we were happy to see that Emily felt good enough to help with the laundry by pulling it all on the floor.  We probably would have stopped her if she hadn't been sick for several days, but instead we just smiled at her and took her picture.:)  


  1. oh steph!
    how horrible! it's so hard when your baby is sick. makes my stomach turn in knots to even think of how you must have been feeling the last few days.
    what do they think it is?
    was she sick when i saw you at target on thursday?
    praying for you all!
    if you have any questions or need anything, please call me. really.

  2. Steph -

    That first pic is absolutely pitiful! So glad to hear that her fever broke. Hope she is continuing to get better! Thinking of you guys!


  3. Steph-I'm pretty sure I saw you on Wed she wasn't sick yet. On Wed night she started running a low fever of like 100.5. Thanks so much for praying.

    Shannon - Well her fever actually just keeps dropping at night and then going back up during the day. It's CRAZY!! Her temp dropped down to 95.2 again last night, but now its back up to normal for the moment. We're praying it stays normal today.

  4. Steph- I am so sorry she is still not feeling well. Her pictures are so pitiful! We are praying for her.
