Monday, July 25, 2011

Emily - 15 months

Emily had her 15 month check up last week.  She got a great report!  She weighs 21.6lbs and is in the 25th percentile for her weight.  She's 30 inches long and is in the 45th percentile for her height.  She only gained a little over a pound from her 12 month check up.  The doctor had me increase her whole milk from 18 ounces to 24ish ounces per day and we changed her yogurt to a more fatty (whole milk) kind.  Hopefully these things will help.  You wouldn't know it by looking at her, but my girl is a bit of a picky eater. :) 

Emily's Favorites at 15 months:
Food:  Cheese, bread, crackers, blueberries, strawberries, bananas
Movies:  Baby Signing Time
Books:  The Very Hungry Caterpillar; There's a Wocket in my Pocket
Activities:  Dancing, brushing her teeth, reading books, taking baths, helping Mama with the laundry, clapping for herself, feeding herself,
Words she can say:  Mama, Dada, Mimi, Papa, Grandmama, Pawpaw, Alison, Carrie, Katherine, Brett, Jacob, Stan ("Tan"), Okay ("O-Tay"), let's see, dog, please, thank you, up, baby, car, shoes, socks, teeth, bath, Emily, nose, ear, mouth, eyes, toes, no no, outside, precious
*she's saying so many more words than these, but I just can't remember everything right now.  She's loves to copy what we're saying.  It's too cute!

Sleeping Habits at 15 months: 
-Takes 1 or 2 naps a day.  Depends on how tired she is and if we are home for her to fit in 2 naps. 
-It usually takes her about 10-15 minutes to fall asleep for naps and about 1 or 2 minutes to fall asleep at bed time. 
-She sleeps 11-12 hours at night....almost never wakes up in the middle of the night. 
-She sleeps with her bunny (she MUST have the bunny!)

Things I treasure about my 15 month old: 
-She is such a happy, easy-going, baby
-She is "talking" all the time now even though we can't understand a lot of what she's saying
-She loves to be outside.  If I ask her if she wants to go outside she walks to the door and starts knocking on it. 
-She easily goes to other people...very friendly
-She can point to her nose, ears, toes, belly button, hair, and head. 
-She gets her eyes confused with her ears. 
-She loves music
-She's learning to run.  She gets places REALLY fast these days.
-She loves babies.  If she see's a child 3 or under she points and gets very excited.  She says "baby, baby" over and over. 
-She loves it when Daddy comes home.  If she hears someone at the door she'll stop what she's doing and say "dada, dada" until he appears. 
-She loves hats - especially her Daddy's.
-She's started telling us "no no" for things she doesn't want to do.  It's something we're working on, but for now it takes everything in me not to smile when she says it b/c she says it in the cutest possible voice.

Daddy and I love you, Emily!  We're so thankful for you!

1 comment:

  1. She is growing up so fast! Happy 15 months Em! Hope to see you soon!
