Friday, November 10, 2017

Halloween Parties for Claire and Emily

We had a fun day of Halloween Parties here at the Watts house!  

Claire had her party Halloween morning.  Her school has a policy for how many parents can come to each party, so at the beginning of the year you sign up for coming to certain parties.  Anyway, we're hoping they'll change that policy soon, but for now we didn't get to go because I wasn't signed up for this party.  Claire was a little sad on the way to school.  Parents are allowed to meet them on the playground after their party, so Abby and I (and 5 other moms) met them there.  Claire was SO excited to see Abby and me!  She screamed my name and jumped in my arms.  It was precious!  

I got a picture of Claire and her friend Gabe playing.  Claire is a ladybug and Gabe's parents couldn't talk him into dressing up!  Ha!  

This afternoon a sweet lady from our church came over to the house to play with Claire while Abby napped and I went to Emily's party.  I haven't been able to help out much in her classroom so it was really fun to get to know some of the kids in her class better.  

I LOVE the picture below!  Emily had just gotten a bean bag through the hole in the bean bag toss game and was jumping up and down.  Precious little second grader!  

Emily and Bella were in the same kindergarten class and now are in the same second grade class too!  They had fun today going to all stations together!  

Bella's mom is one of the room mom's for Emily's class.  I'm a room mom for Hannah's class and I really think being a room mom for more than one class would be too much, but so glad I get to come help out at events in her class!!  

I've heard that when they get a little older they get "too cool" for parties, but that's definitely not the case for 2nd graders.  They were precious!  

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