Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Emily - 5 years

Emily had her 5 year old check up on Tuesday and got a great report.  She was 41.8 inches tall and in the 35th percentile for her height, and she weighed 38.1 pounds and was in the 38th percentile for her weight.  She answered all kinds of "5 year old questions" for Dr. Shultz.  They also checked her vision and hearing and she scored perfectly on those tests.  We're very thankful for a good check-up!

Having a five year old is so fun!  She is maturing and becoming a "big girl" right before our very eyes.  It is especially evident when we get to hang out with my sister and her kids, Jacob and Ressie. They came over for a visit on Monday and Jacob (3 1/2) and Hannah (3) played together every second of the day.  They were wild and crazy and loud and happy about it.  Emily used to be right in there with them, but recently we will sometimes catch her sitting on the couch and reading a book or just pulling back a little from their wild activities. Sometimes she'd just rather go play with Ressie. Now she still does plenty of playing with them, it's just interesting to see the change.

A few things I treasure about my 5 year old:
-She loves to ride her bike, swing, look at books, have books read to her, take walks, and play with her doll house.
-Emily is SO helpful!  It makes her so happy to be helpful.  She especially loves it when we praise her because she has done something without us having to ask her.  She puts away her and her sisters' clean clothes, often unlocks the door when we get home as I am getting things and people out of the car, unbuckles and buckles her carseat (5 pt harness), she also almost always unbuckles Hannah's carseat, she keeps a very close eye on Claire and if I am in the other room I can ask her what Claire is doing and right away she will say "she is playing with _______ and she doesn't have anything in her mouth."
-Her favorite meal right now is an egg strata breakfast casserole, interesting, I know.:)
-She asks for a peanut butter and banana sandwich every day for lunch.
-Emily's favorite show is Doc McStuffins.  She hadn't been dressing up in the dress up clothes as much in the last few months, but she got a Doc McStuffins outfit from her Grandmama for her birthday and she puts that on most every day.
-Her favorite books are Beauty and the Beast, Frozen, Cinderella, and any Berenstain Bear book.
-She is a rule-follower.  I'm certainly not saying she never disobeys because that's not the case at all, but she wants to please and if I tell her something like "stay inside the fence" I would never ever have to worry about her going outside the fence.  On the other hand she needs constant reminders to not run inside the house.:)
-Her favorite toys are her doll house, art supplies, puzzles, and her play computer.
-She loves life and loves people.  She has such a kind, compassionate heart.  She often will go ask someone if their arm is better (if it had recently been hurt), or if their husband is feeling better (if he was sick).  She also loves to make cards to mail to people.
-She has very good handwriting and loves to write.  She asks us all the time how to spell something so that she can write it on a card or piece of paper.
-She gets told about once a week that she looks just like her Mama. :)
-She's confident.
-She loves, loves, loves to sing.  She sings during her rest time (which she has every afternoon while her sisters are napping, but she only falls asleep about once every three weeks or so), in the car, around the house, anywhere.
-Today as I was taking Emily to school and she was getting in her Britax brand carseat she said "Mommy, my carseat says "brit-tax."  She's been reading some sight words, but she sounded that word out and I was super proud of our little reader.
-She's a talker.  She could talk to you all day long and never run out of something to say.

Interview with Our 5 Year Old.  
What is your name?  Emily
How old are you?  5.  I just turned 5.
Where do you live?  Greenville, South Carolina
What is your favorite color?  Purple, pink and yellow
What is your favorite toy?  Bunny
What is your favorite food? Macaroni and Cheese
What is your favorite drink?  Apple juice and Capri Suns
What is your favorite thing to do?  Play with my sisters and my friends at school.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor. 
Who is your teacher?  Mrs. Tammy Roach.  We call her by her last name, but her real name is Tammy.
Who is your best friend?  Triumphant (her friend at school)
What is your favorite song?  "Skinny Ma-Rinky Dinky Dink" (which is really the song "Skidamarink a-dink, a-dink, Skidamarink a-doo, I love you"...)
What is your favorite book?  Beauty and the Beast
What is your favorite movie?  Cinderella
Who is the funniest person you know?  Connell (friend from school).  She also told me a short story about why he was funny.:)
Where is your favorite place to go? School and church
What does your Mommy always say to you?  I love you.
What does your Daddy always say to you?  I love you.  

And we do love you, Emily Jean Watts.  Five years has flown by, but we are loving every second of it, and we pray that God would give us wisdom in how to parent and point you to Him.  You are a blessing to your family!

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