Friday, May 8, 2015

Claire - 16 months

Claire turns 16 months today and she's getting so big!  This is a very busy, but very FUN age!

She had her 15 month check up last month and she weighed 22.11 pounds and was in the 47th percentile for her weight.  She was 30 inches tall and was in the 34th percentile for her height (up from the 13th percentile in her height at her 12 month check-up...go Claire!).  With Emily I walked into every well check-up with a list of at least 10 questions, with Hannah I had a list of at least 5 questions and at Claire's well check I couldn't think of one question.  It's definitely not that I have it all figured out, but just that I have calmed down a smidge.:)

Claire's favorites at 16 months:
Food: Turkey and cheese sandwiches, blueberries, bananas, strawberries, broccoli, cheerios, yogurt
Books:  Peek-a-boo books; puppet-finger books just make her cackle
Activities:  Brushing her teeth, taking baths, walking around in the back yard, dancing, watching her big sisters, closing doors
Words she can say:  Mama, Dada, car, Hannah ("anna"), shoes, socks, diaper, bath, coat, no no, hey, bye, night night, La-la, Papa, ball, juice, mouth, nose, door
*She is saying so many more words than these, but I just can't remember everything right now.  She likes to try to copy what we say!

Sleeping Habits at 16 months: 
-Claire takes 1 to 2 naps a day.  If we are at home for her to fit in both naps she usually takes about an hour nap in the morning and an hour and a half nap in the afternoon.  She recently has started not falling asleep for her afternoon nap sometimes when she has had a morning nap, so that means we'll be dropping the morning nap all together in the next month or so.
-It usually takes her about 10-15 minutes for her to fall asleep for nap time and bed time.
-She sleeps 11-12 hours at night and almost never wakes up.
-She sleeps with her La-la (we were calling her Lovie, but she named her La-la and it stuck).

Things I Treasure about my 16 month old:
-She still only has 4 teeth.
-Shes LOVES to be outside - taking a walk, playing in the backyard, swinging, sliding (with help of course)
-She can point to her nose, ears, hair, eyes, mouth, feet
-She points to her chest when we ask her where her bellybutton is
-She loves to dance (bounce) when music comes on.
-She is learning to climb.  The other day Bert walked into the living room and found her sitting on the couch by herself.  He asked Emily and Hannah if they helped her up there and they both said they didn't.  Big girl. Now we just need to teach her how to get down safely!
-Her favorite game is to find a door that is open walk into the room and shut the door behind her.  I try to keep all the bathroom and bedroom doors shut so Claire can't disappear but somehow that never happens.
-Her favorite word is "no". She says it all the time.  If you ask her if she wants to go outside she will say "no" and shake her head while walking to the door.  "No" is just her standard answer right now, and it makes us chuckle to ask her a question and hear her little "no".
-She is talking all the time now even though we can't understand a lot of what she is saying.
-She eats a banana as a part of her lunch most every day.  For the longest time I have been cutting it up for her and letting her pick up the pieces off her tray, but recently she has started getting very mad (and by mad I mean furious) if you cut her banana up.  She wants to hold the whole (or half) banana and take bites.
-If you say the word bath she runs for the tub.  She LOVES bath time.
-Her hair is getting long in the front.  I try to keep it pulled back so you can see her cute face, but she just pulls the rubberband/bow out.
-She has a slight obsession with shoes.  She LOVES to say the word, having them on her feet, hold them in her hands, whatever....just give her shoes.
-She likes to swing for a little while, but lately she would rather just run around the yard, and she's starting to get mad if we pick her up and put her in the swing.
-She's learned how to throw a tantrum and if she is mad about something she will let you know.:)
-She loves for you to read her books.  I love love love it when she backs up towards me and plops down into my lap with a book in hand.  It melts my heart.  Usually just before I get to the end of the book she gets  up and does her adorable waddle over to the bookshelf to get another book for me to read.
-She loves to empty out drawers and she is incredibly fast at it.  Her favorite drawers to empty are Emily and Hannah's underwear and sock drawers.  She can have their stuff strewn all over their room in 2 seconds flat.
-She loves to wear their play necklaces and wears them more than the other two combined.

I took this picture yesterday.  She was playing with the bow and kept trying to put it in her hair, but couldn't get it.  I put it in her hair and took this picture right after.  Cutie.

Happy 16 months Claire Bear!  We love, love, love you!!  

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