Thursday, September 15, 2016

Abby - 6 Months

Our littlest baby turned 6 months old last week.  She's getting big so fast.  This past Saturday morning we were all 6 in the living room together.  Bert and I were on the couch and all four girls were sitting on the floor together.  The older 3 girls were watching a show and Abby was sitting beside them on the floor playing with some toys.  It was the first time Abby looked like "one of them" -- a little girl instead of a baby.  It was a little startling, but very sweet.  

Abby had her 6 month check up last week and she weighed 16lbs and 3 oz and was in the 53rd percentile for her weight.  She was 25 inches long and in the 22nd percentile for her height.  She's still our petite baby, comparatively.  

Abby started waking up earlier about 3 or 4 weeks ago.  She's been waking up between 6 and 6:30 most days.  Sometimes she'll sleep until 6:45ish, but that's not typical...yet.  There have been several days when she's woken up at 5 and not gone back to sleep until her mid morning nap.  Up until about 5 days ago we were putting her down about 9 or 9:30. Since she had started waking up earlier, I thought if I kept her up a little later maybe that would help. It didn't. Her pediatrician told me at the appointment that maybe Abby's just missing a sleep cycle and said she thought we should try to move her bed time back to 7:30 or 8 and see if that helps.  Sooooo, we did that a couple nights ago and so far so good.  Now she's going to bed closer to 8 and she's still sleeping until between 6 and 6:30, and even till 7:00 a couple times.  I'm totally fine with the 6 :30 time, but 5 is a bit early for me, so hopefully she'll quit waking up before the sun comes up and settle into a new (better!) routine.

I said in an earlier blog post that we had moved Emily into Abby's room and were letting Claire and Hannah share a room.  Well, after about 3 weeks of Abby waking Emily up early (not every day, but enough) we decided Abby needed her own room, so we moved Emily in with Hannah and Claire.  It's working well so far and the big girls love all sharing a room.  

Abby's a super light sleeper....the lightest sleeper we've had.

She naps 2 or 3 times a day, usually 3.  She sleeps in her room, in her crib, in her sleep sack with a sound machine on.  She nurses 5 times a day.  

She loves sitting up and strongly prefers that to laying down.  She can sit up by herself from the laying down position, and usually does as soon as you lay her down. We've been impressed with her sitting abilities. With the other three, we had to put pillows behind them for a few weeks when they first learned to sit, but Abby's been pretty steady from day one. 

She's also starting to crawl.  She'll crawl halfway across a room now to get to something she wants.  I can't imagine it will be long before she's crawling all over the house.  The other day Bert was laying on the floor with her and she pulled up on him to the standing position 3 times.  She'll climb out of her bumbo unassisted within 10 seconds of putting her in it, so we don't put her in it anymore.  She's a very busy, active little thing.  

Mosquitoes are crazy attracted to her.  She hasn't really be outside much in the evening except to go to or from the car and she has gotten sooooo many bites over the last several weeks.  It's truly crazy. Hopefully the mosquitoes will move on out soon and leave my baby alone.  

She still likes her exersaucer, but she's happiest while playing on the floor with toys.  

She's eaten rice cereal, green beans and carrots.  She really likes the green beans and carrots and tolerates the rice cereal.  We're introducing another food about every 4 days or so.  If she likes green beans she'll think she hit the jack pot when we get to fruits.  :) 

She's having a little separation anxiety from me right now.  Over the last couple weeks at church the nursery workers have had to text me to come calm her down more often than not.  Even when she's not in the nursery, if someone else is holding her and I walk into the room she usually starts crying.  She looooves her Mama and her Mama loves her.  It's nice to be wanted, but I wouldn't be opposed to her not giving the nursery workers such a hard time.  :) 

The picture below was taken about 10 minutes after the picture above.  I just wanted to keep it real.  

Happy 6 months Abby Doodle!  You are a precious gift from God and we're so thankful you're on Team Watts! 

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