Monday, October 24, 2016

Abby - 7 months

Our Abby is just over 7 1/2 months now, so I'm a little behind on my 7-month post, but better late than never. 

She's crawling all over the house and pulling up on everything in sight! She's also been caught standing up on her own (with out holding onto anything) a couple times....she quickly falls from that though.  

She puts E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G in her mouth. It's special. I'm probably a lot less picky about what she puts in her mouth than I used to be when Emily was this age.  Fourth child perks....or maybe that's not a perk....Oh well.  

She quit using a sleep sack in her crib last week because she's so mobile and kept getting tangled up in it as she was waking up.  She's now having a little more trouble going to sleep because she will pull up on her crib and stand there screaming at the top of her lungs until I come back in.  I usually have to go back in once to hold her for a second and then lay her back down.  It's not that she doesn't know how to lay back down on her own, but it's almost like she gets so mad while she's standing there in her crib and is so tired the poor thing can't even think straight.  Ha!  

Nursing is still going well.  She eats 5 times a day. Some of the feedings are 30 minutes and some are 15. Since she won't take a bottle sometimes I feel like I'm on lock down, but I promise I wouldn't trade this time for the world.  

One night a week or two ago I had just finished nursing her and I literally thought my heart might explode with love for her.  She's getting so big so fast.  Sometimes I look forward to a little more flexibility with our schedule between naps and feedings, but mostly I know I'll miss this sweet one on one time. 

You are loved more than you'll ever know, little one.  

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