Saturday, July 7, 2012

Being Spontaneous

Well folks, I'm a planner.  Being spontaneous doesn't really come naturally to me.  My hubby isn't as much of a planner as me, but he's certainly likes to have a plan.  The other day we went down to Falls Park in downtown Greenville to have a Chick-Fil-A picnic and we walked by this fun splash pad area where all these kids were running around in the fountains.  Emily was facing the other direction in the stroller and hadn't even seen it yet, but we knew she would love it....and it was hot, hot, hot outside.  I hadn't brought her a bathing suit, towel, swim diaper, etc, but being the "go-with-the-flow" people (HA!) that we are, we decided to let her go play!!  

It took her a minute to warm up, but she loved it!!  

She was drenched from head to toe.  We let her ride around the park in her diaper.  At least she was cool!  

I'm slowly but surely learning that sometimes it's best to not worry about the details....if we hadn't the other night we would have missed out on lots of fun!! 

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