Thursday, August 7, 2014

Conversations that Make Me Smile

Hannah:  Is today my bir-day?
Me: No, it's not today.  (This conversation took place in July)
Hannah: Is my bir-day on Fi-day?
Emily:  Hannah, your birthday is on Valentine's Day and that's a long, long ways away.
*Good thing I have a four-year-old to keep the facts straight!

Hannah:  (looking and sounding very offended) Ugh, you pushed me!!!
Me:  I did not.  You just bumped into me and you fell on your bottom.
Hannah:  Yes you are!!
Me.  No I didn't.
Hannah: Yes you are!!
*She had me chuckling through this whole conversation.  If you happen to touch her while she is in the process of falling or if you accidentally bump her, she accuses you of pushing her. Ha!

After eating about 1/4 of her dinner and in the saddest voice:
Emily:  Mommy, do you know what?
Me: What?
E: My teeth is tired of chewing and my tongue is tired of swallowing.

One Sunday morning I was talking to Hannah about going to church.  She went through a short stage where she was crying for the first few minutes after we dropped her off in the nursery.  Thankfully, she's already out of that stage, but this conversation took place in the middle of the phase.
Me:  Hannah, did you know you are going to go play with your friends in the nursery this morning?
Hannah: (Looks at me very seriously) I cwry cwry cwry.
Me: Why do you cry cry cry?
Hannah:  Ba-cause I miss you.
*Umm....melt my heart.

Just after Bert left for the morning, Hannah was pointing at Bert's computer bag and said "Oh NO!!  Daddy for-got his diapa (diaper) bag!!  We gotta go bring it to him.  Oh no!!"

The girls and I were talking about birthdays and we had this conversation:
Hannah:  I'm old.
Emily:  You're not old.  You're two.  That's not old.  I'm four.  I'm old, aren't I mama?
Me:  No, you're not old either.
Emily:  Are you old (looking at me)?
Me:  No, I'm young.
Emily: You're young? Are you already past old?!

Emily:  (Smelling the Johnson & Johnson Tear Free Baby Soap).  Ummm....This smells just like the soap my husband uses.
Me:  Oh does it?  How old is your husband?
Emily:  61
Me:  When did y'all get married?
Emily: The day that Claire got born.
*Well no wonder I missed it.

Emily: Daddy, do you know what?
Bert: What?
Emily: If they put a circus in my room, I'd stay up all the nights!

Hannah:  It's stuck!
Me: What's stuck?
Hannah: The my nose.
Me:  Bert!!
*It was so far up there that we couldn't even see it.  One side looked a little darker than the other, but she had pushed it way up.  She was sitting at the lunch table the entire time and I was washing a few dishes.  I have no idea how she got it that far up in a few seconds flat.  Thankfully Bert was able to get it out with tweezers.  It was a huge raisin!!  Very thankful we didn't have to take a trip to the ER on our peaceful Sunday afternoon.

This conversation took place this morning at the breakfast table.  
Hannah:  Emmy, do you know what?
Emily:  What?
Hannah:  I love you.
Emily:  I love you too, Hannah
Hannah:  (looks at me) That was so nice.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! The conversations had me laughing out loud! You and your girls are adorable!
