Saturday, September 30, 2017

Labor Day at the Lake

This is the second year we've gone to the lake over Labor day weekend and I must say it is a great way to close out summer!  

We got there on Friday night and Mimi read to the big kids while I got Abby down.  Bert had something in Greenville that night and didn't get down to the lake house until around midnight.  Jacob spent the night with us too and he and Hannah had so much trouble going to sleep.  Hannah was on the bottom bunk with Claire, Emily was a on a cot and Jacob was on the top bunk.  Emily and Claire fell asleep pretty quickly, but Hannah and Jacob didn't.  They talked and they talked and then they argued that the other one was keeping them awake.  Ha!  Cousins acting like siblings!  

We did some more shell painting, which they loved!  

There isn't much that the big kids do that Abby doesn't want in on.  

On Saturday morning Brett, Katherine and Ressie came over to hang out for a little bit and pick Jacob up.  We decided to go for a walk since it was still too cool to swim.  It was in the early 60's that morning, so we waited until that afternoon to get in the water. 

Emily and Jacob wanted to climb one of the trees in the front yard.  

Team Watts, Team Sanders and Mimi!  We missed Papa, Stanley and Alisha!  

These two enjoyed their rides!  

Then Jacob thought he'd give Hannah a ride. Brett held on the whole time, but I loved her smile.  So happy!  

I caught these two like this during rest time when they were watching a movie together.  Sweet sisters!  

Emily wasn't in the movie watching mood so she went out on the screened porch with Mimi and read while Mimi snapped beans.  

Bert and I drove back to Greenville on Sunday morning so that Bert could preach and the girls went to church with Mimi and Papa in Toccoa.  On Sunday afternoon we headed back down to the water after naps and Papa took Claire (our jet ski rider) on a ride!  

I liked this picture of Bert with Abby and Hannah! 

We had a big accomplishment that afternoon - Emily jumped off the top of the dock for the first time ever!!  We were so proud!  She wanted her Daddy to jump with her which he happily did.  I wish you could see her face but if you zoom in you can see that she was smiling so big (while holding her nose)! 

She did it a couple more times by herself and I thought this was a cool picture.  Our baby is growing up because this is super high, y'all!  

That evening Uncle Jimmy (my mom's brother) stopped by to take us on a pontoon ride.  It was so relaxing!  I thought this was a sweet picture of the kids at the front of the boat watching the water as we rode. 

Back of the boat!  

On Monday morning we had a big breakfast with everyone (except Stanley and Alisha), which Emily says is her favorite part of the weekend.  Bert is usually the head cook as he gets up the earliest, and Daddy was in charge of eggs and cooks them soooooo slow, but they are sooooo good.  

After breakfast we went over to our neighbor's dock and let the kids do some fishing.  Our neighbor has a feeder off his dock and gets lots of fish.  

Emily was at a bit of a disadvantage with her fishing partner.:)  

Dr. Burken (neighbor) asked me to grab the net so that I could help pull in the fish he and Hannah caught.  

It was huge!  I don't like think to think about the fact that there are fish that big around where we swim so I'm just going to forget I saw it!  

He asked Claire to touch it and she wasn't too sure about it, but did it!  

Mimi was a big help with Abby that morning.  She helped keep Abby halfway occupied while we fished with the big kids.  I loved this picture of them laughing!  

Claire wanted to hold a worm.  

Everyone got to catch a fish!  It was a fun morning!  

After we fished Mimi and Papa took the kids on a ride on Uncle Jimmy's mule while Bert and I cleaned up the kitchen from our big breakfast that morning.  They LOVE mule rides!  

Then it was time to hit the water!  After we swam for awhile the girls asked if we could have a picnic lunch (we were having a late lunch since we'd had such a big breakfast) on the top of the dock.  We thought it sounded fun so Mom, Abby and I went up to make sandwiches and then brought everything back down. We enjoyed our lunch and being together!  We especially loved having Papa Stan there with us all day, as he often has to work on Labor Day!  

It was a fun, relaxing weekend and we're thankful for it!

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