Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Claire - 4 years

Claire turned 4  years old on January 8th!  She won't have her 4-year-old well check until the end of March (after flu season), so I won't be able to include those stats in this post, but she seems to be doing just great!!  Here are a few things I'm treasuring about Claire at this age...

-She's so much fun to be around and is full of spunk.
-She enjoys playing with her sisters and playing by herself.
-She loves marshmallows, cheese sticks, bananas, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and all things sweet
-She's not a picky eater and will eat most anything we give her, but she does have a certain kind of yogurt she likes and really doesn't care for any other kind.  Her favorite it Yoplait Key Lime - the Whips version.
-She dislikes having water poured over her head in the bath.  She prefers Bert to give her a bath because he's more careful to not get water in her eyes; unfortunately for her I'm the bath giver 90 percent of the time.
-Claire loves school and would go every day if we let her.
-She loves playing blocks, with the doll house, and with puzzles.  She'll play by herself for over an  hour but especially loves it when someone else will play with her.
-She is so helpful!!  She'll  hear me say something like "I need to get your coat, Abby" or "does anyone know where the stool is?" and Claire will race to get it.  She especially loves to surprise us so she usually runs to get the item without saying a word and she'll bring it back with a big smile on her face.  She'll often do this several times a day.
-She's shy in public....if you say hey to her in public she probably won't respond.  In fact, she might grunt at you.  We're working on how to respond to people when they talk to her and she is definitely improving.  I usually give her a pep talk on the way to church.  She gets nervous when people show her any kind of attention, but is getting better.
-Her speech isn't perfect.  She still replaces many t's with a "d" (as in, "dis" instead of "this") and r's with a "w" ("weally") and others that I'm not thinking of right now.  I started to wonder if I should get her evaluated to see if she needs some speech therapy, but my friend Stephanie (who is a speech therapist at E and H's school) listened to her and said she wouldn't get her evaluated right now.  So I'll wait for now.
- She LOVES to be read to. Any book, but one of her favorites right now is a Sophia Look-And-Find book where she has to find 8 objects on each page.  And don't even think about skipping an object.  She wants to find each one.
-She likes to pray, but only if one of us feeds her the words a line at a time.
-She's doing so much better with her water and milk drinking. She still drinks best if she is being read to, watching a show or riding in the car (doesn't drink well just sitting at the table), but it's so much easier to get her to drink than it was 6 months ago and most days she doesn't drink juice at all.
-She loves to hold the door for me.  This is especially helpful when I have an arm load of stuff and am trying to get in the door at home.
-If someone asks her name she will tell them "Claire Bear"
-She sits with her knees behind her (like a frog).  The doctor has said this is not good for her hips and I've told her a bajillion times to sit criss-cross-apple-sauce. Every time I tell her she says "Oh, sowwy mom" and will change the way she's sitting right away, but then is back sitting her favorite way the next time I look at her.  She sits this way ALL the time and we haven't been able to figure out a way to break her of the habit.  Maybe I should try a chart?
-She got some Paw Patrol DVD's for her birthday and she is now a BIG fan.  Anytime she gets to watch a show that is usually her pick.
-She has more hair than any of her sisters.  It's thick and beautiful!
-She and Abby are playing so well together these days.
-Claire gives the best hugs.  (tight)
-She's recently started wanting to pick out her own clothes.
-She dresses herself, but still needs help taking her shirt off.  She puts her own coat on and can put most of her shoes on by herself.
-She likes dress up, but isn't as into it as her sisters.

Here is a little interview I did with our sweet 4 year old....
What is your name?  I'm Claire Bear
How old are you?  Four
Where do you live? In Dis House
What is your favorite color? Wainbow
What is your favorite toy?  Balls
What is your favorite food?  Egg
What is your favorite drink? Milk
What is your favorite thing to do? Play games with Abby 
What do you want to be when you grow up? A Painter
Who is your teacher?  Mrs. Beesley
Who is your best friend? Charlie (a girl in her class at school)
What is your favorite show? Paw Patrol 
What is your favorite book? She thought for a minute then pointed at the book sitting right beside her.  I don't think she's ever read it before.  It was a book about The Princess and the Frog.  Ha!
What is your favorite movie? Frozen
Who is the funniest person you know? Sawyer (Friend from school)
Where is your favorite place to go? The park
What does your Mommy always say to you? I love you 
What does your Daddy always say to you? I love you always

Claire Bear, you are beautiful inside and out!  You are an amazing big sister to Abby and a fun little sister to Emily and Hannah.  You are loved by God and by your family more than you could possibly imagine.  We're thankful for you and we LOVE you, Claire!

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