Wednesday, January 31, 2018

These Days

January has been a fun month!  We've enjoyed a beautiful snow, days off school, and good health for our whole family (SO thankful!).  

The big girls had several spend the night parties in early January before they went back to school.  They all three share a room, but sometimes think it's fun to sleep in their sleeping bags so that they can sleep right beside each other.  Whatever floats their boat! 

Mimi and Ressie came over early on the day of Claire's birthday party to help us get ready for it.  Jacob and Katherine and Papa came over just in time for the party because Jacob had a basketball game that morning.  Mimi took a picture of the girls all chilling out on the couch watching a show together.  

Hannah got a matching PJ set and a matching set of clothes for her and her doll.  She loves matching Maddie!  

One day Bert and I were in the kitchen getting dinner ready and I came around the corner to check on the girls because it sounded like they were getting rowdy and this is how I found them.  Crazy kids! 

Bert was planing to watch the national championship with his good friend from college, Adam, but found out around lunch time on the day of the game that Adam's dad had bought them both tickets to the game. Bert spent some time with their family when he was in college, and loves their family.  UGA lost a heartbreaker, but it was such a good game and Bert was so thankful to be able to be there!!  

Claire and Abby play SO well together these days. I'm sure they will start arguing more at some point in the future, but right now they will play together for so long and it is fun to listen to.  

Also, Claire loves this bean bag she got for Christmas.  

We had a low-key Saturday one weekend in January and Bert took the big girls out on Daddy Daughter dates. 

He and Hannah went to a favorite breakfast restaurant (Stax Original) and then took a drive up to the top of Paris Mountain.  

Emily got some roller skates for Christmas and hadn't been able to use them yet, so she asked if they could go roller skating for their date instead of going to a restaurant.  We thought it was a great idea, so on Saturday afternoon they headed over to the skating rink that is about 2 miles from our house. Bert said she's getting better and better!  

Claire got to bring their class bear home the weekend after her birthday and wanted to read him a book.  

Hannah got this Minnie sweatshirt for Christmas and asked me to take a picture of her wearing it so that she could send it to her cousin, Piper.  Piper likes Minnie and Hannah said "I know it will make her so happy."  

We're in the middle of some kitchen renovations (another post) so one night Bert and I were still in the kitchen working on something and told the girls to go to bed and we'd be in there in a minute to tuck them in and pray with each of them.  When I walked into their room I found them like this....they were taking turns praying.  I snuck back out to grab my phone.  We pray that they would always love to pray!  

We took a quick library trip last week.  Emily loves being able to check out books with her own library card.  She feels like such a big girl.  She doesn't want me any where near her when she's checking out....she wants to do it all by herself.  Ha! 

We've enjoyed some temps in the upper 50's for a few days in January and have been able to get some outside time!  

They're loving their new Jeep that they got for Christmas!  

We had this outside time right after we got back from the library and Hannah decided she wanted read her books outside "since it was so nice."  I hope she turns into a little book worm like her big sister.  

Bert likes to put his glass in the freezer to get it good and cold before he puts tea or Coke in it each night for dinner.  Interesting, huh.  I've never heard of anyone else doing this, but maybe there are others?!?

I walked in the living room to find Abby and Claire like this while they were watching a show together last weekend.  And they stayed like that for awhile.  Aren't they they sweetest?  

Bert and I had a Pastor/Pastor's Wives retreat (just one night) for our local association last weekend and Bert's parents came up to keep the girls for us.  Linda took this picture of Pawpaw playing checkers with Claire.  

We were thankful we were able to go and connect with so many other pastors/wives in our area and the girls LOVED getting Grandmama and Pawpaw time!  

Emily got to go to a fun arts and crafts birthday party at Michael's and made all this fun stuff. I think her favorite thing was the goo that she's holding in the picture. 

Bert was taking a cat nap this past Sunday afternoon and Hannah decided to curl up and go to sleep with him. I was surprised she fell asleep.  She only naps about once every two months.  

She loves her Daddy.  

January was great and we're looking forward to February and celebrating our Hannah Beth!!  

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