Saturday, June 30, 2018

Lake Trip

We took a trip to the lake at the end of June and beginning of July.  The kids and I were there for about a week and Bert was there at the beginning and end (he worked in the middle).

Playing in the lake is soooo relaxing to me!  

We drove the jet ski's to the waterfall.  I haven't been to this waterfall in about 15 years and it was prettier than I remembered!  

We did some rock painting!  

Messy, but fun! 

I loved this picture of Papa tickling the girls before bed.  They LOVE tickles from Papa Stan!  

Uncle Jimmy took us on boat rides a couple different times!

All the kids got to tube a couple times....

And they all 4 did the yellow board!  

Even Abby!  Although Bert held on to the board the whole time she was riding.  

Abby got a new life jacket halfway through the week, which held her head up better, but we still kept hands on her, much to her dismay.  

Papa stayed in the water most all day on the 4th, which isn't usually his favorite place to be, so we felt loved! 

I thought this picture captured the organized chaos!  

Sister/Cousin love! 

Abby liked her new life jacket.  Precious 2 year old!  

Jacob jumped off the top of the dock for the first time ever this weekend and Hannah decided she wanted to do it too, which surprised me for sure!  Hannah usually takes a little while to warm up to things and that top deck is high!  

She said Jacob could jump with her as long as he stood far away.  Her Daddy missed this because he was back in Greenville, but I took pictures and a video!  She actually did it twice and then decided that she didn't like it.  I think maybe she got some water up her nose with that second jump.  So so so so so so proud of our Hannah!!  

Emily jumped for the first time last year, but hadn't done it yet this year.  After Hannah and Jacob went she decided she would go (but she did NOT want anyone jumping at the same time as her.) She only did it that once and you couldn't talk her into doing it again.  I think she just wanted to show everyone she could still do it.:)  

Mike, Alli, Miles and Piper were in town over the 4th and we really enjoyed getting to spend time with their family each day!  So fun! 

The girls looked cute all lined up on Uncle Jimmy's pontoon!

Our lake trip was wonderful as usual!  I'm hoping we'll get one more lake trip before school starts back...we'll see!!  

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