Saturday, June 30, 2018

These Days

Bert has painted every room in our house except the bedrooms and office and he's done a great job!!  The girls got to help him a little too!  

Claire and Abby stayed with Mrs. Lynn and Marly while I went to a high school gradation and they had fun!! Claire has asked me many times since then when they're going back over to Marly's house.  

They've had lots of fun in this little pool during the month of June.  For a while they were getting in it most every other day.  

Hannah is reading so well these days!! 

Sophie has been coming over once a week and spending a few hours with the girls!!  We love having her! 

She helped them play a soccer game in our side yard.  

Hannah wrote these notes to her teachers 2 days after school got out.  I texted a picture of them and since I didn't have their addresses.  

A few of the kids sang in church on Sunday morning.  Emily was nervous but they all did a great job!  

We had a tea time with Aunt Renea down on the dock at Mimi and Papa's house!  Nea is a fun person!  

The paddle boat was loaded down for this ride!  

Stanley and Alisha got married the day before Father's day, so when we got back home on Sunday evening we gave Daddy his cards and gift (that he has to go pick up from Lowes in his truck).  Please excuse the sheets on the couch (I kept them on there during the no-floor phase of our leak issue because our feet stayed dirty.)

VBS started the day after Father's day and was a blast!!  I helped with the 1st grade class.  

I loved this picture of Emily and her friend Breleigh! 

Hannah and Haley....big buddies! 

Ummm....are these nursery kids not the cutest!?!? Hunter (right ) is a month older than Abby and Bennett (left) is about 5 months younger than Abby.  I loved their big smiles! 

Also, the rain boots she's wearing int the picture above are her favorites right now.  She would wear them every day if she could and does wear them most days.  

Alison and Molly and Jude got to come home from Uganda after 10 months of trying!  We drove up to Raleigh to welcome them home at the airport!  

On the way up there we soooo wanted Abby to take a nap because we knew it was going to be a late night, but she was not having it.  Bert had the idea to play some white noise (that's what she has playing each night /nap time) from his phone and stream it over the car speakers.  When that white noise started playing she immediately put her fingers in her ears and kept them there.  She made me laugh out loud with that stunt.  She didn't not fall asleep on the 4 1/2 hour car ride up there, so I'd say she definitely won that battle.  

Welcome home Molly and Jude!!  We are so so thankful y'all are here!! 

Airport welcoming party! 

One Wednesday night the Burns got a flat tire as they were leaving the church parking lot so we stayed to hang out with them/help change their tire.  The kids had fun playing in the empty parking lot and thankfully no kid was injured by the running on concrete.  

Sweet little sisters! 

We got to watch a fun fireworks show in Toccoa to kick off our 4th of July lake week!  It was so good!! Papa stayed at the lake house with Abby so that she could go on to sleep for the night.  

Emily told us while we were at the lake that she had a tooth coming in behind her baby tooth.  She hadn't told us before because she was afraid were were going to try to pull her baby tooth.  I called the dentist as soon as we got back into town and she said it definitely had to be pulled.  The permanent tooth is so far in she doesn't think there is any way it will move forward on it own, which means she'll have to get some kind of appliance to help it.  We've talked to Em and Hannah now about the fact that they have to tell us if they have a tooth coming in that we don't know about....especially on the top.  She did great and enjoyed the laughing gas! 

I remember saying with every other kid that 3's were harder than 2's, but I'm not so sure that's going to be the case with Abby.  She's got opinions about everything and is not scared to throw a tantrum, BUT she's adorable and cuddly and sweet too and I wouldn't change anything about her.  

Ms. Sassafrass!  

These days are sweet and busy (which is why I'm weeks late posting my June blog posts)!!  We're already almost halfway through July now and it's been wonderful! We just got back from spending several days at Vogel State Park with the Watts Clan and we're leaving for PCB in a week!  I love summer!! 

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