Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Panama City Beach 2018

After a couple days of travel, we made it to PCB and we were all so excited to be there!!

The first night there is one of my favorites.  We unpack the cars, then head over to the big pool for our first swim!  We also get pizza at a little pizza place over by the beach.  Fun memories!  

These kids were excited to be together at the beach!!  

These 3 looooove the splash pad! Claire says it's her favorite thing to do at the beach! 

The little treasure box Abby is playing with in the picture below was a huge hit!  Mom bought it from Walmart for $10 and it was worth every penny.  It was full of "jewels" and plastic coins that the kids would drop all over the pool and then have to dive under and get (the big kids would dive).  The little kids liked to drop the coins on the steps.  Hours of fun with that little toy! 

These pictures were taken in the pool right beside our condo.  It's the perfect place for an after dinner swim before bedtime! 

The big pool is super fun too!  I loved this picture that dad took of Emily and Jacob hunting the coins, Hannah floating in the donut float and the rest of us just hanging out.  

The two first graders enjoying a little pound cake on the steps.  

Katherine, Jacob, Ressie, Stanley and Alisha stayed in the condo below ours this year.  They were in our condo most all of the time unless they were sleeping or changing.  It was so great to be right above them because the kids could run back and forth and after Jacob and Ressie went to sleep at night Katherine was still able to come up and hang out with us and bring the monitor.  We felt so "together" even though we had more space, which was perfect for our big family!! 

Mimi getting morning love from her little three grandbabies! 

Papa loves snuggles too!  

They had lots of fun coloring on this big roll of paper. This is a roll that Renea gave them two years ago when she came to the beach, and they're still loving working on it!  Cute kids! 

Bert took these four to Dunkin Donuts early one morning.  He's done it the last couple years so I'd say it is definitely a tradition now....the kids started asking him about it before we even made it down to PCB.  

Beach time was great this year!!  The kids were a little easier than the year before since they were a little older.  

Lunches on the beach with toddlers is not the most relaxing thing ever, but we did it one day.  The other days we ate up near the pool....more my style.  

Love my sister! 

These two love the sand more than the others! We had a red flag one or two of the days and we played in ocean but just up to our waists.  Hannah did NOT want to go in the ocean with a red flag because she'd heard it was dangerous.  She was as happy as a lark playing here though and she enjoyed the ocean the other days!  :)  

Emily and Jacob win the award for having the most fun in the ocean.  Those two played soooo hard and had soooo much fun!!  It was fun to watch!  

We buried Papa one day and the kids thought that was great fun! 

Claire and Hannah wanted to be buried after Papa got out! 

The water was so clear and beautiful!  

My little Hannah gets more sunscreen than anyone and is still the one to get red.  Poor nugget! :)  

We enjoyed our Columbia shirts.  After you have applied sunscreen to 18 kids (or 6 but sometimes it felt like 18) and packed everything up to go to the beach/pool you don't want to think about having to put sunscreen on yourself.  Plus the shirts kept us super cool when they were wet.  

Claire maybe takes a nap once every other month, but one day she just sat down in our blue chair and before we knew it she had fallen asleep.  We wore that sweet 4 year old out!  

I took this picture on the morning we were leaving the beach, just before we got in the cars!  Mimi and Papa bought these shirts for them and they got to pick them out! 

We had such a wonderful fun week at the beach!  We're so thankful for the wonderful memories we made and for getting to spend a whole week with family!! So so thankful! 

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