Monday, December 31, 2018

These Days

Mimi came to town one weekend in early December and made cookies from scratch with the girls!  They loved it!  

While they were making cookies I was making bows to go on our wreaths for our front windows.  Mrs. Sherry helped me with the first one and I took it from there.  I was super proud of my typically un-creative self!!  

I love how my girls love each other!  Caught them like this one afternoon!  

Claire has trouble going to sleep at night and is still the one that gets up the most (to tell us something or get a sip of water), but once she goes to sleep and sleeps all night and is also the one that sleeps the latest most every morning (sleeps until around 8-8:30)!  

What a cute, happy girl this is!  We love our Abby!  

I have no idea why I took this picture, but I thought it was sweet! 

We drove around to look at Christmas lights several times during December.  We took this selfie one night when we were stopped watching "The Passion of the Lights" display here in Greenville.  The girls loved it as usual!  

We still don't have a mantle (maybe next year) so we hung our stockings here, which I thought worked just fine! 

We had the Burns family over for dinner one night and made smores afterward.  The kids had fun running around while Bert and I enjoyed spending time with Rhett and Shannon!  

We were invited to go to the Piedmont Park Fire Department Christmas party because Bert serves as their chaplain.  This was our second year going and we were looking forward to it!  They have a delicious dinner catered and a visit from Santa!  I took this just as we were walking out the door! 

The girls loooved getting to see Santa and I thought this picture with him turned out cute!!  

Mr. Bob was tickling the girls feet and had them all howling with laughter!  

All the girls got to go to a birthday party for Jazmine! 

Bert and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary with a dinner date to the Peddler.  We've gone to the Peddler every year for our anniversary dinner for the last 4 years or so, so we decided we better keep that tradition going!  We enjoyed it as usual!  

Emily's has had a good many orthodontist appointments recently, but I soooo appreciate how they get her in and out, since I usually bring all 4.  Hannah was reading them a story while they were waiting on Em!  

Both girls had "Grinch Day" at school the last Thursday before their Christmas break.  As I was laying in bed (trying to go to sleep) Wednesday night I saw where another friend said how easy it was to put their hair up like Cindy Lou Who.  I decided I would try it and if it didn't work out I could always just do pig tails.  It took me about 5 minutes to do each kids' hair.  There is a small cup on top of their head and then a rubber band on top holding the hair up. I used almost no hair spray.  I'm not that great at hair, so anyone can do it and the girls sure did love it!  It would've have looked cute with a ribbon tied on top but we didn't have any.  

Hannah, Hudson, Haley and Marly at church one Sunday morning! 

We let the kids watch Home Alone this year, but had a talk before it started about how we don't talk like their family (they speak rudely to each other, especially at the beginning of the movie). Bert also told them that we don't break into homes like the bad guys do, too. Ha! ...  The girls loved it and I liked this picture of Bert laying on the floor watching a movie with his girls! 

These Minnie dresses were a gift and they have been a favorite over the last few weeks.  The girls LOVE their new dresses! 

We went Christmas caroling with the church! 

We made cookies for Bert, Emily and Hannah to take to the fire department and they got to sit in the fire truck.  We appreciate their sacrifice and service and wanted to let them know!

Emily got perler beads for Christmas and has had so much fun creating cute things!  

Bert had a staring contest one night with the girls after dinner.  He caught this picture of Claire....she was an adorable, fierce competitor and she made this face every time!  Ha! 

This was where we put our Christmas cards this year and each one made me happy to look at over the month of December.  We're copying an idea from Rhett and Shannon and now we have the stack of Christmas cards sitting on our dining room table and each night at dinner we pray for a different family.  The girls love getting to see the picture of the people we're praying for and we love having them pray for different families!  

Hannah had the idea to have the girls take a selfie with the Christmas tree just before we started taking all the ornaments down.  They got my phone and surprised me with the picture and I thought it was a sweet surprise! 

These days are busy and cold and fun and we're enjoying them!

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