Friday, January 20, 2012

A baby shower for Hannah!

A few girls from my church offered to have a baby shower for me.  It really was such a blessing as we were showered with diapers, wipes, cute new clothes, a diaper champ, etc. for Hannah.  So thankful!  Here are a few pictures...

Look at this cute wreath Claire made.  I was certainly impressed! 

Doesn't all the food look amazing?  It was!  They out-did themselves!

My Mom and sister were able to come to the shower.  Mom was in town b/c they had brought Emily back up to us on Friday night.  Katherine just lives 20 minutes away, but I was still glad she could make it!:)

They had us play this fun game.  We split up into pairs and we were each given a bag with a spoon and a jar of baby food.  We had to decide who would eat the baby food and who would feed the other person.  We both had to wear blindfolds.  Ha! 

Here are Katherine and Alison getting ready to go. 

Katherine was feeding Alison squash and kept missing her mouth.  Poor Alison.:)  

My mom and I were partners and we couldn't decide who would do the feeding and who would do the we played rock, paper, scissors.  I lost. 

Whoever finished their jar first, won.  Sunni and Elizabeth were the winners! 

It really was a fun game.  There was sooo much laughing going on the entire game.:) 

Jen and Kelly....two girls in our small group.  Love them. 

Group shot.  SO thankful for each of these ladies!

My sweet hostesses.....Claire, Sunni and Whitney.

I can't thank y'all enough for such a fun, sweet shower.  It was SUCH a blessing and now I'm am even more excited about Hannah's arrival (if that's even possible).  Love you girls!  

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