Friday, February 10, 2012

Emily at 22 months

Emily turned 22 months on Wednesday.  Crazy!  I know!!  I cannot believe she's almost 2!  Here are a few things that I don't want to forget about this precious stage....

-When Emily wants you to pick her up she'll raise her arms/hands and say "I hold you, Mama! I hold you!"

-For some reason she calls any book that's over 200 pages or so a "Bible."

-When someone coughs or sneezes she says "you okay???" and waits for a response.

-She loves giving high fives, but if she gives one person in the room a high five she must give everyone a high five. And, sometimes, if one of us is not at home, she'll hold up her hand as if to give a high five towards the door.

-She loves drinking out of straws.

-As soon as Bert walks in the door from work she says "coat off, Daddy, coat off" and starts helping him take it off.

-When she wants you to turn the light on she'll say "light, off, off."

-She loves loves loves for us to pick her up and dance with her.  She'll say "dance, Mama!" soooo many times a day.

-When Bert starts to tickle her she'll start laughing and say "I get you, Daddy!"

-When we start to lay her down for a nap/bedtime she must have bunny (nothing new there) AND the quilt her Aunt Carrie made for her.  She wants us to cover her with it before we leave the room.  If we forget the quilt she definitely won't and will cry for her "banket, banket" until we get it.

-She calls music, "moo-sic" and she loves any kind of moo-sic!!

-Any time Em hears a train she's says "Train!  Papa!  Train!  Papa!"  Her Papa Stan has a train track that goes right beside his work.  Every time we visit him at work he'll take her to see the train, so now if she hears a train she only thinks about him.

-She loves to give kisses, but her kisses definitely aren't wet or slobbery.  She doesn't even pucker up.  She just puts her check beside your cheek and calls it a kiss.  Sweet girl.

-She starts saying "eat lunch" anytime we're about to eat....doesn't matter if it's breakfast, dinner, or snack time.

-She's a picky doubt about it.  This is going to give me more gray hair.:)

-She loves to play outside.

-She's soooo friendly!  She gives an excited "HEY!" to everyone we pass when we're at the store.

-She is an absolute joy to be around!!

We're so thankful for you, sweet Emily!!  You're so much fun to be around and you're going to be the BEST big sister!  We love you!!

1 comment:

  1. Soo sweet. I love this age! Emily is precious! Our boys get upset when they see Andy or I put on coats or shoes. They have come to understand it means someone is leaving, and they don't want to be left behind! They usually rush to find their own shoes and coats in hopes they can tag along. :( So sweet and sad if they can't!
