Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dora can fix it!

Yesterday I was holding Hannah and catching up with my friend Keri on the phone.  Emily was playing quietly.   Out of the corner of my eye I saw her leaning on the screen of my laptop.  I started walking over to her so that I could move the computer.  As I was walking over I noticed her eyes were big.  I glanced at the computer screen and immediately my stomach dropped.  She had cracked the screen and 3/4 of the screen was black and blue and all different colors.  I'm certainly not what you might call "computer savvy", but I know enough to know when a computer is a goner....and this one was was a goner.   I got off the phone with Keri and had this conversation with Emily:

Me:  Emily you broke Mommy's computer!  (in a surprisingly calm voice)
Emily:  It's okay, Daddy will fix it.
Me:  Daddy's not going to be able to fix this.
Emily:  Well Papa Stan will fix it.
Me:  Papa can't fix this either.
Emily:  Well DORA can fix it!  She have to!

I wasn't screaming or crying, but I was SO disappointed!  Emily could obviously see my frustration (with her and the situation) all over my face, and a few minutes later she said "It's okay, Mommy, accidents happen!"  Wow...what a reality check when your 2 1/2 year old speaks truth to you.  I say this to her all the time when she spills something or drops something...I needed the reminder then.:)  It is so easy for me to see my ugly sin when something like this happens.  I can feel it welling up inside of me.  I want to be quick to forgive.  I want to love people more than things.  I apologized to Emily that morning for getting frustrated and told her how much I love her.  I wanted her to know that she is a ba-gillion times more important to me than that silly 'ole laptop!

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