Thursday, November 1, 2012


As a follower of Christ I believe in the sanctity of human life.  It doesn't matter if that child is 7 weeks old in utero, 7 years old or 77 years old, as believers we are called to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. We are called to take care of the widows and orphans.

I've never been very vocal about my political opinions, and I don't plan to start, but this has really been on my heart the last few weeks.  And, for me, it's so much more than a political "issue", it's life and death at stake. Because of that, it's very difficult for me to understand how a follower of Christ can be pro-choice.  If you value human life at all, you should value it at any age.

At 11 weeks old in utero, Watts baby #3 had hands, feet, ears, nose, open nasal passages, a tongue, arms, legs, heart (with a strong heartbeat), muscles....I could go on.  Would someone like to tell me that our baby did not matter, that our baby was worthless?  Go ahead and try.  A baby (no matter the age) is a precious gift from the Lord.  The Lord created our baby and He creates every baby.  He is the author and perfecter of life.  No human being has the right to take an innocent life.

While I respect and pray for our current president, I cannot vote for a candidate that is pro-choice.  I believe being pro-choice contradicts what the Bible teaches.  I understand that there are some other areas where our president is trying to look out for those in need, and I am not saying that I think his opponent is the perfect candidate, but for me the issue of abortion carries more weight than other issues because it is dealing with protecting (or taking) the lives of thousands and thousands of people every year.

Not every battle is worth fighting, but some are, and this is one of them. Please pray with me for these unborn children....they need our prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Preach!!!! (and your made me get teary!!!) Can you run for President?? I'd vote for you!
