Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas with the Watts

We spent Christmas Eve with Bert's family!  Here are a few pictures that I took early in the morning.  After I took this first picture of my cutie I changed her into her Christmas pajamas so that she would be more festive.:)  

Emily looks so grown up in this picture....I think it's her smile.  

A couple days before Christmas, Bert, Jeff (Bert's dad) and Emily decided to go buy Jeff's Christmas present for Linda.  He was planning on surprising her with an I-Pad.  Early on in the trip Jeff and Bert started calling the I-Pad an "Eagle" so that our little parrot....I mean Emily....wouldn't go back and tell Linda what she was getting.  They had been back for a few hours when Emily said to Linda...."Grandmama, we couldn't find your eagle."  Close call!  They actually had found it, but they had to go to two stores.  The moral to this story is....use some kind of code if you don't want Emily to repeat your story.:)   

It was such a fun few days of being together, opening presents and relaxing!  We're so thankful!  

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying my EAGLE! Bert texted earlier, I've got to figure out facetime!
