Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Claire - 2 years

Claire turned 2 on January 8th.  She had her 2 year old check up on the 12th and got a great report. She was 33.7 inches tall and in the 47th percentile for her height.  She was 28 lbs, ll oz and in the 75th percentile for her weight.  At the 2 year check-up the usually make a height prediction and the doctor said Claire's on track to be 5'6"-5'7".  She was happy to see Dr. Schultz, gave her a high five, pointed out where her ears were and was just generally cute during the whole appointment.

Here are a few facts about our Claire....

-She calls her sisters Em, Ahh, and A-gail.  

-Isn't a big fan of milk these days.  She will drink some but she has to be encouraged.  

-She's pretty good at feeding herself, but will often flip the spoon upside down right as she's putting in her mouth.  We're trying to break this habit as it can make a bit of a mess.  

-She sleeps with her "La-la" (teddy bear lovie) and "blank blank."  

-She sleeps about 11 to 11-1/2 hours at night and takes about an hour and a half nap each afternoon. About once every 8 days or so she'll decide she doesn't need a nap and will just play in her crib until I come get her at the end of rest time. 

-She loves to swing, ride in the wagon, and ride the tricycle.  

-She's quick to say "thank you" and "please" but usually has to be prompted.  

-She has really started LOVING having books read to her and will sit through the whole book and keep bringing more books saying "dis one." 

-She gets proud of herself when she "finds" things.  The other day I walked outside to the driveway to load the girls in the car and she gasped and said "Dere Mama's car!!!  I find it!!!"  She was so proud. Bert picked her up from the nursery last Sunday and as soon as she saw him she said "Dere my Daddy!!!  I find him!!!"

-She gets "I" and "my" a little mixed up.  On her birthday she walked around saying "I bir-day." She'll also say "my done" when she's finished with her meal.  

-She loves dress up clothes.  Several times though out the day she will bring me a skirt, top, dress or wings to help her put on.  She's gotten into dress up clothes at an earlier age than her big sisters did (especially Emily)....she wants to be just like them.

-At night when we are laying her down for bed we usually have prayer time with her. We'll say "Dear God, thank you for ____ " and then wait on her to say someone she is thankful for. She often says "Unc Tan" (Uncle Stan) first.  After she says a name she wants you to repeat it back to her.  If you don't repeat it back to her she'll keep saying the same name until you say it, then she'll go on to someone else she's thankful for.  

-The other night I was in the kitchen and turned my camera on to look at a picture we had taken earlier that day.  She saw me turn my camera on and immediately backed up against the fridge, gave me a big grin, and waited on me to take her picture.  Cute thing.  

-She loves grocery shopping with me.  We usually go Monday or Tuesday morning while Emily and Hannah are both in school.  She'll say "I hold dat" all though the trip.  She ends up with a lap full of groceries because she insist on holding so many things.  When we get up to the register she likes to hand all her items to the lady checking us out and she'll say "here go" with each item.  

-When you ask her where Abby is she immediately pulls up my shirt and starts patting my stomach. I've tried to tell her Abby can hear her through my shirt but she insists on it coming up so that nothing is between her and Abby but my belly. (side note: I make sure not to ask her where Abby is when we are in public)

-Claire calls the Magna Doodle that she got for Christmas her "thing."  She really likes it and had this conversation with Bert about a week ago...
Claire - "Dat MY thing."  
Bert - "Yeah, that's your thing."
Claire - "Not Dada's thing."
Bert - "No, not Dada's thing."
Claire - "Not Mama's thing." 
Bert - "No, not Mama's thing."
Claire - "Not Em's thing."
Bert - "No, not Em's thing."
Claire - "Not Ahh's thing."
Bert - "No, not Ahh's thing."
Claire - "Not G-has thing."  (Jesus)
Bert - "No, not Jesus's thing."  *Bert didn't get into a theological discussion with her about the fact that it actually was Jesus's thing, as all things belong to him. Ha!  She likes her "thing" and she's keeping an eye on it to make sure no one takes it.

-I was getting dinner started and let the big girls go out in the back yard to play.  Claire had to stay in with me and when I got to a stopping point I asked her if she wanted to go outside.  She started smiling, nodding really big and said "wif my sis-ers."  She loves them so much!

-She refuses to wear a bib 80% of the time which is unfortunate since she still makes a hot mess at meal times.  

-She loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cheese, most any fruit or veggie, honeycomb cereal....she's really not a picky eater at all.  

-Her nicknames are Claire Bear, CK, and KK.  

-She loves to color and dance.

-She likes to throw things in the hamper.  And I'm not talking about dirty clothes, although she's pretty good about putting those in there too when asked.  Last week we looked ALL over the house for her tennis shoes.  I finally gave up and found them the next day buried in her hamper.  Over Christmas break my brother had some papers on his desk and later that day he started looking for them.  He found them the next day in the hamper.  She really is pretty sneaky about it.  

-She was fussing about something and I said "Claire, use your words."  She furrowed her brow and shook her head and said "but I don't want to." 

-Hannah and Claire were in their carseats and I had gotten out of the car for something.  As I got back in she said "Dere Mommy are!!!  Dere Mommy are!!!"  

-On her actual birthday we were eating dinner together and we asked Emily and Hannah their favorite thing about Claire....
Emily - "She's so cute and she calls us cute names like Dada, Mama, A-gail, Em and Ahh."  
Hannah - "Her laughing and her smile and playing with her."  

Happy Birthday, Claire!  You are super busy and can easily wear out your 33-week pregnant Mama, but you are also so much fun!!  You make me smile and laugh all day long.  You are talking in complete sentences now, which is just absolutely precious.  You're an amazing little sister and I know you'll be an amazing big sister to Abby.  We are so thankful for you! We love you, Claire Kaylin Watts!!

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