Sunday, July 30, 2017

Pool Time - Vacation 2017

We spent lots of time and had lot of fun in the pool!  We have what we call the "little" pool (normal sized pool) right next to our condo and a huge pool across the walking bridge, next to the beach....we enjoyed both!  

Abby decided halfway through the week that she didn't want to sit in her float (you can see it behind them in this picture) and instead wanted to just be held.  She's let us hear it if we tried to put her in and we finally just quit bringing it to the pool.

We had two of these floats that we played with all week and they were worth every cent of the two dollars that they cost.  The kids had fun with them!  

Mimi and all 6 grandbabies!  

Bert and me

Daddy with his two girls and Abby!  

We enjoyed Stanley's girlfriend, Alisha, being there with us!  We all loved getting to know her better and really appreciated how much help they both were with all the kids!  It can get a little crazy with 6 kids age-7-and-under, so we were thankful to have their help, and they had fun spending time with all the kids!

Abby loves it when Daddy throws her in the air!  She always has the biggest smile on her face.

Emily had fun jumping off Papa Stan's shoulders. I caught her mid jump this time!  

I thought this was a precious profile of Hannah-Bo-Bana. She's come such a long way with her swimming this summer (so has Emily) and we're super proud!  

This is how Hannah jumps in the water every time...even if she's jumping off the diving board.  It's more of a lunge, but some how it doesn't hurt her like a belly flop does.:)  

Claire's gotten braver this summer too!  She was all over that pool like a little fish as long as she had her puddle jumper on.  

Team Watts at the big pool!  

Mimi and Papa with the grands!  

Everyone else minus Mimi and Papa!  

We loved all of our pool time! 

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