Monday, October 30, 2017

Field Trips with Hannah

We have learned that Kindergarten has the most field trips of any grade by far. Bert or I really try to go on most field trips becuase we feel like its a great opportunity to spend one on one time with our kids, but it also gives us a chance to get to know kids in her class and get to know her teachers betters.  Plus we just have fun!!  

Hannah's class went on a field trip to a pumpkin patch in early October and the trip fell on a Friday, when Bert was off work, so he was able to go with her.  They had a great time!! 

They all got to bring home a pumpkin, go through a corn maze and take a hayride.  

Hananh's class!!  

In late October Hannah's class went to the Peace Center to see "The Ugly Duckling."  It was awesome!!  As I was sitting there watching the play and listening to a room full of kids laugh out loud I decided that this was probably my favorite field trip that I've ever been on.  It was precious and the kids were precious too!  

Hannah and her friend Penny getting ready for the play to start:

After field trips the teacher always has a sign-out sheet so that the parents who are there can sign their kids out and bring them home without having to ride the bus back to school.  It's always a special treat to get an early dismissal so we TRY to do something special while we are out.  

The Peace Center is located in downtown Greenville so while we were there we decided to grab a quick bite of lunch.  Hannah saw this grassy area in front of one of the hotels and asked if she could go run around in it so of course I said yes!  

She was spinning and spinning!  

After running around (and spinning!) we stopped for lunch at a pizza place. We got there a few minutes after they opened so we were the only ones in the restaurant.  Hannah got to pick our table, and what she was going to eat and drink.  She loved getting to make all the decisions!  

She throughly enjoyed getting her "own" pizza and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with her!!  

Emily hasn't had a field trip yet this year and Hannah's has had three so far!  Hopefully the 2nd grade will take one soon!

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