Tuesday, October 12, 2010

6 Months

Our sweet Emily was 6 months old last Friday (10/8).  This morning she had her 6 month check-up and she got a great report.  My mom, dad, Bert and I had a little bet as to what her weight was going to be....

Mimi:  18.7
Papa Stan:  17.12
Bert:  18.2
Steph:  18.3

She weighs 17.1 lbs (73rd percentile) and is 26 3/4 inches (88th percentile).

My Dad won....we don't play by the "Price Is Right" rules....

So we all guessed a little high, but you carry her around in that carrier for any length of time and you'd guess high too!:)

I made her pose for a photo session this morning before her appointment.  (I wanted to do it before they gave her 3 shots...poor baby).  I'm posting several pictures so brace yourself.

She cooperated for one, but it went down hill from there.:)

Emily:  Oh, look at that piece of paper.  I think I'll grab it.  (No surprise ...she is grabbing E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. these days)

Emily:  And I believe I'll eat it...

So I got smart and decided that I would take the paper away so that I could get a few more sweet pictures....

But Emily was not deterred....she just started eating her dress.

In between each of these pictures I pulled her dress down and she would pull it right back up.  I finally gave up.

Happy 1/2 Birthday, Emily Jean Watts!!:)