Wednesday, October 6, 2010

This Week

Here's an update on what's going on in the Watts household!:)

Emily is now eating solid foods, and she's very proud of herself!  She tries to grab the spoon with every bite.  I want to be annoyed (and I probably will be soon), but for now I have to admit its pretty cute.:)  Right now we're still just feeding her rice cereal, but we're going to introduce a different type of food this week.

 Ready to go....

Bert got kicked out of his office in January in order to make room for Emily's here is his new "office".  I've never heard one complaint.  Insanely busy would not even begin to describe Bert's week...

I decided to snap a few pictures of Emily during our morning tummy time a few days ago.  Notice the beautiful quilt Emily is laying on, made by her Aunt Carrie!:)

I know what you're thinking....

Does Stephanie keep a bow in that child's hair at all times?

The answer is no, but I did put one in for her little photo shoot.  Don't judge.:)

I caught her mid-roll!  Great form....go Em!!:)  She prefers to roll to her right.  She will roll to her left, but only when I put something beside her to block her from going to the right.

We set up Emily's "Jenny Jump Up" tonight for the first time.  It was a big hit!  

She enjoyed turning all around in it...

She also enjoyed chewing on it....

We love you, Emily!!  You are soooo much fun!!


  1. I love these photos! Makes me even more excited to see y'all in a couple of weeks! I think the Jenny Jump up can go right between the living room and dining room, don't you?

  2. She does seem like she is at such a fun age right now - I can see her personality shining through those pictures! Wish we lived closer so I could see her more often (& you of course!)

  3. Yay! Glad I get to see this little girl grow up, even being so far away. Miss you all!

  4. Wow she is already starting to look like a toddler instead of a baby! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing! I need to get set up to Skype asap!
