Friday, November 11, 2011

26 weeks

26 weeks down....14 to go, and I'm feeling great!  I took these pictures last weekend (closer to 25 weeks).  So far, this second trimester has been amazing!  I have so much energy back (though not as much as I did before I was pregnant).  Probably my only "complaint" would be having to try and sleep on my side.  I'm so much more comfortable on my back.  I feel like the fact that I'm not supposed to sleep on my back has been bothering me more with this pregnancy than it did with the last.  Who knows why?  My sister is letting me borrow her monstrosity of a pregnancy pillow.  It seriously takes up so much room, but I'm really hoping it will make sleeping on my side more comfortable.  Bert's definitely not jumping up and down about this huge pillow, but he's being sweet about it.:)  As far as cravings go....for the last few weeks I've started craving pizza.  This is funny b/c during the first trimester of my pregnancy I couldn't even think about, much less look at or smell, marinara sauce.  Oh, how things change daily when you're pregnant.:)  Anyway, poor Bert's been having to eat pizza about once a week.  I really don't think he minds, but if this continues for the rest of the pregnancy I'm sure he'll be ready for a break. 

I'm beginning to get ready to start cleaning out, organizing and making room in our apartment for little Hannah.  The girls are going to share a room so I have lots to do to make room for Hannah's things (right now Emily has definitely taken over the entire closet and all the drawers).  I wouldn't call this nesting, but I just know the holidays will fly by and once we get back in January we'll be very close to D-Day.  Too close for me to wait and organize everything then.  The only problem is that I'm not sure where to begin.  Ummmm...  Hopefully I'll figure it out soon.:)  

We had a check-up for Hannah and me on Wednesday afternoon and we got a great report.  Hannah's heart was beating 152 bpm.  When the doctor put the heart beat monitor on my stomach Hannah started kicking the monitor HARD.  She made the monitor bounce back up.  Emily was sitting quietly in Bert's lap (for that moment) and the doctor started laughing and said she didn't think Hannah was going to be as calm as Emily...she thinks Hannah is going to be our feisty child!  Haha...we'll see!:)  


  1. Steph, I have tried so many times over the past month or so to post a comment and haven't been able to. I hope I have fixed the problem and this works, but you look great! And I loved the Halloween costumes by the way! Hope to see you guys sometime soon!
