Wednesday, December 21, 2011

32 weeks and counting

I had my 32-week check up today.  Hannah and I both got great reports...I'm so thankful! Hannah's heartbeat was 150bpm, and I was measuring right on track for 32 weeks. Because of Christmas travel plans it will be about 3 weeks before I'm able to go to another doctor's appointment (I'm going for check-ups every two weeks now).  The doctor was TOTALLY fine with all of our travel plans and said to just make my appointment when I get back into town.  He even went on to say I'm still early in my pregnancy so he's not worried at all about me pushing my appointment back.  Ha!  I totally understand what he means, but I certainly don't feel like I'm "early in my pregnancy."

I try to make my appointments at a time when Bert will be able to meet us there, or have someone keep Emily for me, but this time it couldn't be avoided: I had to bring her to my appointment and Bert couldn't make it.  I was slightly nervous about how she would do, but she did AMAZING!!  She actually stayed in her stroller during the entire appointment.  She definitely wined and squirmed a little, but she never cried.  I'm calling it a success!

I'm actually sleeping a little better than I was about a month ago, but I have many more aches and pains.  When I'm riding in the car it takes about 45 minutes for my back to start hurting and my feet to start swelling.  (Please pray for our 8 hour drive tomorrow.)  I have started swelling a little.  I had to take my wedding rings off about a week ago because of the swelling in my fingers.  They don't look swollen, but the marks left by the rings told the truth.  Bert was beginning to get worried we were going to have to cut them off one of these days.  I finally gave in and put them away for a few months.  Sad day.

I'm not really having any cravings that I can think of.  Hannah is constantly on the move.  I feel like she might be more active than Emily was, but then I don't really have that good of a memory, so I may have just forgotten what it was like at 32 weeks with Em.

I really do think Hannah already likes to be read to.  I was talking to Bert late yesterday morning and told him that I hadn't really felt her that morning (that I could remember).  I was sure she was fine, but I was paying pretty close attention to her movements just to put my mind at ease.  I sat Emily in my lap to read a book to her, and about 2 seconds after I started reading, Hannah started moving.  It made me smile.:)

I'm thankful for the sweet little girl in my womb.  Thankful she seems to be doing so well, and so excited about meeting her soon (although hopefully not too soon)!

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