Monday, October 22, 2012

"Let me show you, Daddy!"

Tonight Bert walked in the door and Emily ran to give him a hug.  The first thing she told him is that she had hit her head.  (She had bumped it on the coffee table earlier in the evening.)  She then said "wet (let) me show you, Daddy" and ran for the coffee table. At this point we thought she was about to show him where on the coffee table she had hit her head.  Instead she grabbed the coffee table with both hands and RAMMED her forehead on the coffee table!  It was a 10 times harder hit than her accidental hit earlier!  

She was quiet for a few seconds, but then just started bawling.  She immediately started getting a goose egg on her forehead.  Sweet girl!  Bert and I were trying not to laugh, but failing.  We couldn't believe what had just happened!  We got her some ice and that seemed to make things better.  

We gave her lots of hugs (through the chuckles) and had a talk with her about how we just TELL Daddy about accidents that happen...we don't have to show him.:)  

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