Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Due Date

Today, April 24th, marks the due date of our sweet baby #3.  It seems like yesterday that we found out that our baby had gone to be with Jesus.  It's not a day that I love to relive in my's sure to bring tears to my eyes.  

We should be excitedly wondering when he/she will arrive.  We should be figuring out what we'll do with the girls when we go to the hospital.  We should be living out of semi-packed bags as we try to stay ready to go to the hospital at any time.  Instead of those things we are missing our sweet little one.  We are so thankful that the Lord allowed this sweet baby to be part of our family for the time He did.  This baby was one of our greatest blessings!

As I've been thinking about and missing our sweet baby I decided I would like to have a picture with all three of our children.  Since it's not possible to have them all three snuggled up in one chair together, I decided I would have Em and Hannah hold the frame that we have in our room of our baby #3's ultrasound picture.  I didn't make a big deal about it with the girls...just asked them to hold the frame.  I'm not going to be weird and hold a frame in all of our family pictures from now on, but just wanted to have this one.  One picture...showing all three of the precious children the Lord has blessed us with.  

Sweet baby, you are a precious gift!  As your due date passes part of me is sad because I feel like my last piece of you is passing along with the day.  But I know that's not true.  I trust in the the One who is able to do more than we could ever ask or imagine.  I trust in the One who holds us in the palm of His hand.  I trust in the One who knows the number of hairs on our head.  I trust in the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever.  You're with Him're in a far better place!  We're thankful for your life and we're honored that God entrusted us to be your parents even for such a short time.  Love Always, Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Love you guys and am praying for you. The anniversary of our miscarriage is this weekend as well, so this was timely for me. Thankful with you for the gift of life, regardless how short. :)
