Monday, April 29, 2013

Emily - 3 years

Emily's 3 year check up went great!  She weighed 29 lbs and 15 oz and was in the 42nd percentile for her weight.  She was 36.7 inches long and was in the 41st percentile for her height.  She pointed out different colors for the doctor, identified different shapes, and counted to 12 and then started skipping around with her numbers after that!  The doctor also looked at a book with Emily and had her tell her if the characters in the book were happy or sad and what they were doing...just by looking at the pages.  She did great.  On one of the pages there were lots of cars and the doctor asked what was going on this page and Emily said "All the people are going to church." :)  We are so very thankful for her healthy, happy, so-cute-I-could-just-eat-her-up-sometimes, 3 year old!!

Emily sleeps about 11 hours at night.  She almost never wakes up in the middle of the night.  She is fully potty trained during the day (she even wears panties at nap time), but she's still wearing pull-ups at night.  She wakes up dry in the morning about 80% of the time and in the next week or so we're planning on giving the night time potty training another shot.  She usually naps from about 2:00-4:00.  About every 3 days or so she will stay awake and sing/play in her bed instead of falling asleep at nap time, but she never gets up until I come to get her.  She sleeps with her bunny, a bear named Courdy, her blanket that Aunt Carrie made, and baby Stella.  A dog that Caroline gave her (that she named Papaditto) sleeps beside her bed (we had to put a limit on things in the bed with her or she wasn't going to have anywhere to sleep in her little toddler bed.:) )  She never gets up from the bed once we lay her down...not totally sure why, but it's nice to have to keep putting her back to bed.  She will just start playing in her bed when she wakes up and waits for us to come and get her.  We have a video monitor so we can hear and see her playing.  Every time before she lays down at night or for a nap she tucks her Baby (named "Baby Snuggle") in.  Baby Snuggle sleeps in the little doll cradle that is across the room from Emily's bed.  She gives Baby Snuggle a kiss and a hug and says prayers with her.  She started saying the food blessing on her own one night when she was laying baby snuggle down "God is great, God is good...." It's sweet to hear her pray over her baby, even if there is no food in sight.:)

I would say Emily is a pretty good eater.  She's actually gotten better over the last few months.  She's not quite as picky.  She will now (if she's in the mood) eat a sandwich whole, without taking every piece apart and eating it separately.  She especially loves macaroni and cheese and any sweet that she can find.  She definitely has a sweet tooth.  Unfortunately, I do too, so we pretty much don't keep sweets in the house in the house or it would mess up my weight loss goals.:)  Don't worry, she still manages to get her fair share.  She LOVES to help me in the kitchen.  She's happy to help with anything from washing dishes to making sandwich's to making dinner to sweeping.  I try to let her help as much as I can b/c I feel like she is much more interested in eating whatever she has fixed.  She will often say she's not hungry when I tell her it's time for a meal.  We tell her she has to come to the table and sit with the rest of us.  She will usually start eating, but if she doesn't eat what I've prepared then she just doesn't eat anything until the next meal.  Meal times used to be such a battle for us, and I feel like we've come such a long way.  So thankful!

Emily is (and always has been) very verbal.  She is very good at articulating exactly what she wants/needs.  She LOVES to sing...make up songs and sing songs that she has learned.  She loves to be read to and is beginning to enjoy "reading" books herself or to Hannah.  Not that Hannah will sit still, but Em will try. There are a few words that she still pronounces incorrectly and I don't correct her.  She calls canisters "cana-coasters", she calls the refrigerator a "refridgerlator", she calls CVS "CBS", she calls hand sanitizer "hanitizer". Ha!  If she sees an "E" on anything, anywhere she says "'s an says Emily Watts!"

Emily loves to play dress up.  Most of the time when we are at home she is in one of her princess dresses.  She is getting such an imagination...she pretends that we are on picnics, going to the doctor, at church, going to the store, etc.  She also says all the time "I'm the mommy and Hannah's the daddy" or "I'm the princess and Hannah's the prince."  We will often say...."What if Hannah wants to be the Mommy?" She just replies with "No, I'm the Mommy."  Hannah couldn't care less so we let it go, but soon enough Hannah understand what's going on and I'm sure she'll have something to say about it.:)  Her favorite game right now is a Sesame Street Memory Game.  She asked to play it all the time and she's actually pretty good at it...she's got quite a memory.  She LOVES to play outside....side walk chalk, a ride in the wagon, going to the park, swinging on our swing, playing with a ball...she doesn't care....she just loves the great outdoors!

Emily's got such a tender little heart.  She easily gets her feelings hurt. If we talk to her with any kind of serious/no-nonsense voice she will often run and hide behind our glider.  She's got several fears right now: If she's outside when she hears a train coming she will run to my side.  She says her monitor scares her.  Her latest is she doesn't like the interstate.  She tells us over and over while we are driving down the interstate that she doesn't like the interstate because the cars drive too fast.  Sweet girl!  She is SO protective of Hannah.  If we are outside or in a public place and Hannah literally takes 2 steps away from me Emily will start saying "MAMA, MAMA....get Hannah, get Hannah" in a panicked voice.  She keeps very close tabs on her.  She really is a good big sister!:)

She's got lots of nicknames:  Emmy, Em, Emmy Lou, Lou, or Lou Lou!

We Love you so so much, Lou Lou!  You are a precious gift!  We pray for you all the time that you will one day put your trust in Jesus.  He's the way, the truth and the life!  I tell you all the time (at least once a day) that I love being your Mommy and I mean it with all my heart.  You are blessing to our family and we pray that you will be a blessing to others!

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