Thursday, April 11, 2013

My 30th

So this year was a big one.  I turned thirty.  Yikes! 

My birthday fell on a Sunday, so we started out the day at church, where I was greeted with "happy birthday" after "happy birthday."  Our church definitely knows how to make a girl feel loved!  After church we headed to Red Bowl for lunch.  I love that restaurant and they have a great little back room where we can all pile in and enjoy being together.  

After lunch the girls were past ready for their naps, but I of course wanted to get a few pictures before we put them to bed.  

My favorite kind of cake is, without question, an ice cream cake (from Dairy Queen).  I love birthdays so I get excited about the fact that it's my birthday, but then I also get so so excited about eating my ice cream cake.  Thankfully, DQ's ice cream cake is also my brother's favorite kind of cake, so I at least get it twice a year!  

A picture with my hubby and my brother just before we cut the cake.  The girls were actually napping during the cake cutting process.  Stanley had to leave before the girls woke up from their nap and he wasn't about to leave without getting any cake (also his favorite)!:)  Don't worry, the girls got some cake later.  

They're crazy!  

When I think about turning 30 sometimes I think...Yikes, that's old.  Other times I get tears in my eyes and am so overwhelmed with all the Lord has blessed me with in my 30 years.  I am so thankful for my loving husband, my beautiful daughters, all our other family, our friends, our church, our city, our house and my relationship with Jesus Christ. I pray that over my "next 30 years" I would desire to know Him more each day, love and serve my family well, and be a blessing to those I come in contact with.  I pray that my life would point others to One who gives true and everlasting life!    

1 comment:

  1. I love birthdays too! I am so glad that you had a good one. You are going to love your 30's! And...I think you should get your favorite ice cream cake more than twice a year! Just for fun!
