Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Big Day - She's 4

One of the mom's asked Emily at her party how old she was and she held up 3 fingers.  I was a little surprised b/c she's been soooo excited about turning 4 and she's good with numbers and counting, but we all smiled and the mom tried to help her put up one more finger to make "4".  Emily quickly put it back down and said "but I'm not 4 yet...I'm still 3!!"  Okay, so she had a point.  She had two more days.  If you ask her now she'll proudly tell you she is 4. 

The night before her birthday she asked me if she was still going to have to sit in a carseat when she turned 4?  Ha!  Yes, and for many birthdays after that.  You're still my baby thank-you-very-much.  

We went in and decorated Emily's room just before we went to bed the night before her birthday.  She was sooo excited when she woke up!  

Her Daddy made her a pancake in the shape of a number 4!!  

A couple weeks ago Emily was playing with lego's and got very frustrated because they weren't doing what she wanted them to do.  She started wailing and said (through the tears) "Mommy, I want to be a grown-up faster! It's too hard being a little girl."  :)  

On her birthday, Emmy had a fun day of going to school and having an Easter party with her friends, getting many happy birthday phone calls, and playing with her sisters.  

Tuesday night we let Emily pick out the menu for her birthday dinner.  She was excited!

Her Menu:  "Pizza, broccoli, carrots, peaches, strawberries, juice and water." Yum!

The plan was to have her birthday dinner and let her open up her presents from us.  Well the dinner didn't go exactly as I had planned, so in an effort to be real, I'll just let you know how it ended up going:  

It started earlier that afternoon when I realized I didn't have strawberries.  I had given E and H the last of the strawberries for lunch that day.  That is what you call not thinking ahead.  Anyway, I decided to talk her into having apples instead of strawberries.  She wasn't overly excited at first, but quickly came on board with the apple substitute.  Phew.  Later I ran out to pick up the pizza while Bert was supposed to start the broccoli.  He called me when I was still driving to say that we didn't have any broccoli!  Ahhh...I had forgotten that the Saturday before when I did my grocery shopping (I went to two grocery stores) they were BOTH completely out of broccoli florets.  I meant to go back out to another grocery store later in the weekend, but obviously forgot (I'm not sure if you remember from previous posts but we had a busy weekend, in my defense:) ).  So, I stopped by Bi-Lo on my way to pick up the pizza because I couldn't not have strawberries and broccoli.  Then headed home with my pizza and broccoli.  I got everything ready for dinner and laid Claire down for a nap in the pack-n-play because she was fussy.  We all sat down to eat the yummy meal that Emmy had picked out for us.  Within 5 minutes of sitting down Claire was screaming, obviously not very excited about missing out on the birthday dinner.  So, I went to pick her up and try to calm her down while everyone was eating.  Within another few minutes Emily said she had to go poopy (For some reason we're going through a phase where Emily has to go poopy during most meal times.  It's not a short thing either, we're usually finished eating by the time she makes it back to the table.  It's special.).  She wanted her Daddy to come to the bathroom with her and tell her a story while she pooped.  Since it was her birthday and her birthday dinner he agreed and headed in to tell her a story.  So Emily's on the potty, Bert's telling her a story, I'm walking around trying to calm Claire down and Hannah's at the table by herself.  After we all finished our dinner it was time to call Aunt Carrie back b/c she had called to talk to Emily during the dinner craziness.  We called her back via facetime and then it was time to get ready for bed.  I was feeding Claire and as Bert walked out of Em's room after tucking her in, he said "We forgot to give her her presents."  What?!  Can you believe this Type-A, schedule-loving, list-making Mama forgot to give her daughter her presents on her birthday.  I felt terrible.  Not my best work.  About two minutes after Bert laid her down she got back up because she needed a sip of water.  We quickly decided (with just a look) to go ahead and give her the presents.  She was excited!  

So, the night might not have gone exactly as planned, but that's's probably good for me.  And she definitely still enjoyed it!  

Emily, you are one very loved little girl!  Happy birthday, sweet girl!  

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